Je viens de réserver mon aller-retour pour Angers. Qui veut passer le weekend la tête dans les étoiles ? :)
I've just booked my return ticket to Angers. Who wants to spend the weekend with their head in the stars? :)
#spaceupangers #spaceup #unconference #Space #astronomy
RT @A_Demay
Prêt.e à découvrir une aventure spatiale inoubliable ? 🚀 Rejoignez-nous au prochain #SpaceUp à #Angers les 20 et 21 mai 2023 ! 🤩 👨🚀👩🚀 Rencontrez des passionné.e.s, partagez des idées folles et explorez l'univers avec nous !🌟🔭🛰️🛸 #espace #exploration
#exploration #espace #angers #spaceup
🇨🇵 J'y serai, ça tente quelqu'un ici ? :)
Les inscriptions se font sur le site de #SpaceUP France
🇬🇧 I'll be there ! Who wants to come? Click here for more information and to register -->
#space #astronomy #espace #astronomie #astronautic #astronautique #astronaute #iss #spaceexploration
#spaceup #Space #astronomy #espace #astronomie #astronautic #astronautique #astronaute #iss #spaceexploration
RT @SpaceUp_FR
Are you trying to decide whether going to a #SpaceUp is the right move for you?
#SpaceUpTLS took place six years ago at @ISAE_officiel; check out the wrap-up report! 👉
#spaceupangers #spaceuptls #spaceup
Hey People! You'll find me at #SpaceUP Angers (#France) on May 20 & 21. Who wants to join? It's a great event. I have already attended two of them (Genk, Belgium and Paris, France) and it's always been a lot of fun! For #space fans, it's a super opportunity
More infos about #SpaceUP here ->
Infos about SpaceUP Angers here ->
And here to register -->
See you there?
#spaceup #France #Space #astronomy #spaceupangers2023