I went to high school with so many amazing musicians. One of them was Amir. I am so happy to see him get to make music for a living. And this track is really spacey and cool. #Music #Electronic #Spacey #Calm #Spooky
#music #electronic #spacey #calm #Spooky
#youtube #modulartransmission #ambient #musiqueconcrete #spacey
Che vita è tra meteo e metoo #spacey
🧵4. [Questa a favore dell'attore] Un cameriere 18enne che diceva di avere le prove video delle molestie ricevute da #Spacey ha ritirato le accuse perché evidentemente mentiva, avendo fatto sparire il cellulare.
🧵1. Alle primissime accuse, #Spacey rispose con un comunicato pubblico nel quale faceva anche coming out con un tempismo che definirei semplicemente sbagliato: il fatto che fosse gay non c'entrava nulla con le accuse e, comunque, non doveva essere usato per distogliere l'attenzione (il tentativo era evidente). Insomma, non mi piacque questa scelta.
@GuidoGTH @tagesschau vielleicht, weil man in Hollywood weiß, dass die Vorwürfe wahr sind. Aber juristisch die Zeugen und/oder Beweise fehlen. Wie es eben leider so oft bei sexuellen Übergriffen und Vergewaltigungen ist. #kevinspacey #spacey #Lindemann #Rammstein
#kevinspacey #spacey #lindemann #rammstein
Exactly. And calling famous people like Elton John as witnesses (to what?!) is just pushing that even more. News reports going on about him losing work. Well dur, good.
We know that 'casting couch' men pressure young women into sex, why can't a jury see that exactly the same can happen to young men? Homophobia?
It takes a *lot* to come forward as the victim of a sexual predator; the young men who did have risked their own future employment in the entertainment industry and I don't believe they'd have taken that risk without cause.
I wasn't on the jury so don't know what else was said, but I won't trust or watch #Spacey in the future.
#BBCNews - 'Grateful' #Spacey #cleared of sex assault charges
US-Schauspieler Kevin #Spacey ist wegen sexuellen Übergriffen in #London in allen Anklagepunkten freigesprochen worden:
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kevin Spacey Is Likened to His Serial Killer Character from 'Se7en' in Sexual Assault Trial #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #readerwclarke #humaninterest #houseofcards #kevinspacey #spacey
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #readerwclarke #humaninterest #houseofcards #kevinspacey #spacey
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kevin Spacey Accused of Performing Oral Sex on a Sleeping Person #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #kevinspaceyfowler #christineagnewkc #christineagnew #readerwclarke #kevinspacey #anthonyrapp #spacey #agnew
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #kevinspaceyfowler #christineagnewkc #christineagnew #readerwclarke #kevinspacey #AnthonyRapp #spacey #agnew
"Schmonz-Roman oder „Zeit Magazin“? Das große Kevin-Spacey-Portrait-Quiz"
#Spacey #DieZeit #uebermedien #ÜberMedien
#ubermedien #ueberMedien #diezeit #spacey
I discovered I have a YouTube Topic site of my earliest music can, you can listen for free. It’s chilled out and spacey. Enjoy. #chillout #spacey #relax #realaxationmusic #musicformassage #yoga #massage #vickilarnach
#chillout #spacey #relax #realaxationmusic #musicformassage #yoga #massage #vickilarnach
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kevin Spacey Accepts Italian Film Honor, Denies Crawling Out of Cave to Do So #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #neilpatrickharris #lisamariepresley #americanbeauty #cartere28099s #humaninterest #chriswallace #entertainers #academyaward #kevinspacey #anthonyrapp #davidfoster #aaroncarter #lisarinna #andycohen #netflix #spacey #actors #films
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #neilpatrickharris #lisamariepresley #americanbeauty #cartere28099s #humaninterest #chriswallace #entertainers #academyaward #kevinspacey #AnthonyRapp #davidfoster #aaroncarter #lisarinna #andycohen #netflix #spacey #actors #films
In Italien ist Kevin #Spacey - anders als in seinem Heimatland - gerne gesehen.
Kevin #Spacey arbeitet an seinem Comeback.
ironie pur: wenn man sich durch nen OFFEN-sichtlich zwar "drastisch designten", aber eigentlich unmissverständlichen post (so dachte ich) mit euch #solidarisch erklärt, kann man sogar im www 1 tag virtuellen #knast verpasst bekommen.
was es heutzutage nicht alles gibt.
aber egal. ich glotz jetzt zur entspannung "kill the boss". zwecks weiterbildung. - der dozent ist kevin #spacey.