Re: #mRNA vaccine dose #spacing, Dr. Griffin says waiting at least 3 months between first and second #vaccine dose is probably better, ideally 6 months for most robust immune response. Dr. Racaniello says the WHO advice for 8-12 weeks is good, although US doctors will likely follow CDC guidelines. Both agree that 3 weeks is way too soon, but that’s what was studied in the middle of a pandemic.
#TWiVTLDR 14/14
#mRNA #spacing #vaccine #twivtldr
#Design #Guidelines
Typography Manual · A fresh and modern approach to web typography best practices
#ProductDesign #UxDesign #UiDesign #WebDesign #Typography #WebTypography #Spacing #Typeface #Font
#design #guidelines #productdesign #uxdesign #uidesign #webdesign #typography #webtypography #spacing #typeface #font
Research conducted by the VRL at
#UCF uses tests similar to eye #vision exams to administer digital reading passages to participants in various #fonts and line #spacing to help determine best text format.
Learn more about reading prescriptions and find your best text format at:
#reading #readability #betterreading #read #readmore #textformats #visionscience #typography #readers #research
#research #readers #typography #visionscience #textformats #readmore #read #betterreading #readability #reading #spacing #fonts #vision #ucf
Research conducted our researchers uses tests similar to eye vision exams to administer digital reading passages to participants in various fonts and line spacing to help determine best text format.
Read the News4Jax article highlighting our effort towards reading prescriptions:
#reading #readingtest #personalizedreading #readability #typography #font #spacing #readingresearch #digitalreading #digitaltext #bestspacing #readingprescription #readingsolutions #news
#news #readingsolutions #readingprescription #bestspacing #digitaltext #digitalreading #readingresearch #spacing #font #typography #readability #personalizedreading #readingtest #reading
Research conducted our researchers uses tests similar to eye vision exams to administer digital reading passages to participants in various fonts and line spacing to help determine best text format.
Read the News4Jax article highlighting our effort towards reading prescriptions:
#reading #readingtest #personalizedreading #readability #typography #font #spacing #readingresearch #digitalreading #digitaltext #bestspacing #readingprescription #readingsolutions #news
#news #readingsolutions #readingprescription #bestspacing #digitaltext #digitalreading #readingresearch #spacing #font #typography #readability #personalizedreading #readingtest #reading
Take our 5-Minute Fastest Font Test to discover the font that can make your reading faster and more efficient!
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#reading #readingtest #personalizedreading #readability #typography #font #spacing #readingresearch #digitalreading #digitaltext #bestspacing
#bestspacing #digitaltext #digitalreading #readingresearch #spacing #font #typography #readability #personalizedreading #readingtest #reading
Take our 5-Minute Fastest Font Test to discover the font that can make your reading faster and more efficient!
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#bestspacing #digitaltext #digitalreading #readingresearch #spacing #font #typography #readability #personalizedreading #readingtest #reading
Found a new* spacing technique
and documented it with an article.
* new in the context of GitHub markdown.
#github #formatting #markdown #spacing