Day 24: Cheesy but important: Be thankful & show that gratitude. Who doesn't love to be told the impact they have made? Reach out & tell someone today how they have made the world a brighter place. #SPAdvent #Gratitude
Day 23: A US study suggests we look at our phones every 4 minutes (344 times a day). If you are doing this at least make it feel good. Have a screensaver the reminds you of a goal, a focus or a value. Mine switches between daughter & 2023 goal. #SPAdvent
Day 23: A US study suggests we look at our phones every 4 minutes (344 times a day). If you are doing this at least make it feel good. Have a screensaver the reminds you of a goal, a focus or a value. Mine switches between daughter & 2023 goal. #SPAdvent
Day 22: Summarise your favourite non-fiction book. The process of spider diagramming it helps you remember key points and you then have it to hand to get inspiration whenever needed. #SPAdvent #10PillarsOfSuccess
Day 22: Summarise your favourite non-fiction book. The process of spider diagramming it helps you remember key points and you then have it to hand to get inspiration whenever needed. #SPAdvent #10PillarsOfSuccess
Day 18: To ensure you have lots of Value Based Actions in your life create a manifesto for yourself; professionally, sportingly or as a human! I created this when setting up Performance in Mind 7 years ago. #SPAdvent
Day 18: To ensure you have lots of Value Based Actions in your life create a manifesto for yourself; professionally, sportingly or as a human! I created this when setting up Performance in Mind 7 years ago. #SPAdvent
Day 17: That annoying voice in your head that lists all the reasons you might fail, or embarrass yourself or screw up... repeat the phrases in a Minnie mouse voice. Feel those thoughts distance themselves from the truth. #SPAdvent
Day 16: Pull out the magic wand. Reflect: If I had a magic wand what would I make happen? Now grab a coffee and a pen & figure out the first 3 steps to making some of that your reality. #SPAdvent
Day 16: Pull out the magic wand. Reflect: If I had a magic wand what would I make happen? Now grab a coffee and a pen & figure out the first 3 steps to making some of that your reality. #SPAdvent
Day 15: Of which event do you have a secret dream? Which one makes your tummy flip with excitement? Creating an inspiration board to remind you of why you are investing so much towards it can be powerful. #SPAdvent
Day 14: When our blood sugar levels drop our threat system powers up and we react instead of respond. I sometimes give athletes M&Ms with their mantra printed on them to prompt them to stay on top of mid comp fueling. #SPAdvent
Day 13: Create your performance playlist. 8-10 tracks you love, have meaning to you, include inspirational words, strong rhythms, evoke positive memories & make you feel a specific way: unstoppable, happy, in control, calm, focused or energised? #SPAdvent
Day 12: Find a way to keep your mantra close at hand (literally) with a mantra band. These are my two: Brave and Live Essential. Whenever you spot it you get a reminder of how you want to be. #SPAdvent
Day 11: When you are at an event without supporters or a coach it can be helpful to have a reminder of how to manage your technique when tired. These cheap wrist bands mean you can write an instruction to yourself. #SPAdvent
Day 10: Yes. That is a toilet on a keyring! I love these for children to remind them when they have irrational or unhelpful thoughts they can notice them, but then flush them away. #SPAdvent