Looks like #socialists in #Spain managed to fend off the right-wing march. Still not out of the woods.
#elections #spainpolitics #vox #sanchez
Will there be a 6th election in just 8 yrs.
#socialists #spain #elections #spainpolitics #vox #sanchez
Parece que el resultado de las #elecciones23j se dirige hacia el empate técnico entre bloques, sin mayorías. Toca ver que candidato elegirá el rey para la investidura y que se active el reloj de la repetición electoral. ¿Se achantará Feijoo como lo hizo Rajoy en 2015?
#EleccionesGenerales #23J #España #SpainPolitics #Election #Spain #CIS #FelipeVI
#elecciones23j #eleccionesgenerales #23j #espana #spainpolitics #election #spain #cis #felipevi
Con el 67% escrutado, ¿Y si la encuesta del CIS estaba en lo cierto? 🤯🤣
#EleccionesGenerales #23J #España #SpainPolitics #Election #Spain #CIS #elecciones
#eleccionesgenerales #23j #espana #spainpolitics #election #spain #cis #elecciones
Si aún no lo has hecho, ¡VOTA! 🗳️🇪🇸
--- Gracias
#EleccionesGenerales #23J #España #SpainPolitics #Election #Spain
#eleccionesgenerales #23j #espana #spainpolitics #election #spain
Why has #Spain's left lost such ground since the last election? Is it just because the PP's Feijóo is taking lots of swing voters? Maybe not, primarily; Spain's electorate is fairly inelastic.
Instead, says El Electoral, it's "fundamentally" because of the demobilization of chunks of the left-wing — and esp #Podemos — electorate. This chart of theirs shows what people voted who voted last time but say they wouldn't vote now:
#spainpolitics #podemos #spain
#Spain polling: compare the chart in my previous post in this thread with the latest polling averages charts from The Electoral Report, by party and for the right-wing block vs the pro-govt block as a whole: https://electoralreport.com/interactivos/promedio-encuestas-espana/
They show more volatility than the Politico Poll of Polls chart (a methodological issue I suppose), and also show somewhat different (and more encouraging) trends in recent months (perhaps because of including different polls).