Is anyone else getting spam follows daily by some weird online gambling account? It moves instances as frequently as I block it and it’s really starting to impact how I experience this site. Does anyone recommend an instance where I may find better moderation? @moderation #SpamAccounts #BotHarassment
Report finds that almost half of the #celebrity's #turdsite followers are fake.
Try 80%.
This is why we say #MastodonApp should **not** show the #popularity of #toots until the user opens them.
#darkPatterns #popularityModel #spam #spamAccounts #abuse #bots #botAccounts #influencerModel #herdMentality #confirmationBias
#celebrity #TurdSite #OREALLY #mastodonapp #popularity #toots #darkpatterns #PopularityModel #spam #spamAccounts #abuse #bots #botAccounts #InfluencerModel #HerdMentality #confirmationbias