I could have sworn this was a LLM #SpamBlog , but going to the root of the domain sent me to `Main_Page` and I know a mediawiki URL when I see one. either this is an extremely odd, sincerely curated wiki with a shitload of information, or the spam blogs have gotten sophisticated enough to fake a history going back to 2016. it would just be modifying the db, but still that's attention to detail if so
maybe dont click this link but if you are daring:
🇬🇧 Escape from Bing Jail
A short post scriptum story to my Bing Jail post. The Bing Support responded, the blaclisting is confirmed and my site reappear then disappear again from search
#bing #microsoft #penalized #secretblacklisting #shadowbanning #duckduckgo #bingsupport #bingsearch #bingwebmasterguidelines #googlesearchconsole #splog #spamblog #seo #sitescan #webdev #indexedpages #crawl
🇬🇧 Bing Jail
A short story on how my website lost all indexed pages in Bing, affecting my presence in DuckDuckGo, secret blacklisting and classification as a splog by Bing AI
#bing #microsoft #penalized #secretblacklisting #shadowbanning #duckduckgo #bingsupport #bingsearch #bingwebmasterguidelines #googlesearchconsole #splog #spamblog #seo #sitescan #webdev #indexedpages #crawl