@studiofox I don't claim to be a prophet!
- people can decide to use it or not
- they can decide to look into it or not
- they can decide to participate or not
- they can decide to fact-check every single entry or don't
- they can decide whatever they want.
I consider blocklists for every instance that has somewhat meaningful traffic and ins't just a single person self-hosting kinda necessary evil...
I know people who out of priciple only block and defederate what they personally dislike and only on personal harrassment but similar to the #Spamhaus #DROP lists I see this one as a "necessary evil" to prevent hategrooming mobs of beyond - stochastic terrorists in the KiwiFarms category from essentially DDoS'ing moderators with serial harrassment...
@hackbyte @briankrebs yeah, but to go back to the point: #Spam is a big issue and 99,9% of all Spam that isn't bring #DROP'd by #Spamhaus blocklists are from #GMail, #YahooMail, #Hotmail / #Outlook.com / #Office365 / #AzureHostedExchange and domains hosted by registrars like #GoDaddy, because #Google, #Yahoo, #Microsoft and the Registrars refuse to even process #Abuse #reports at all.
#reports #abuse #Microsoft #yahoo #Google #GoDaddy #azurehostedexchange #office365 #outlook #hotmail #yahoomail #Gmail #spamhaus #drop #spam
@olives @KelsonV @eff you don't get it, do you?
1. #HurricaneElectric isn'a a Tier-1 and even if they were, there is no legal mandate for them to accept anything or provide services to anyone.
Espechally since there's no legally enforceable #NetNeutrality :loading: nor are they regulated as a "utility service" with "must provide" clauses.
2. Providers are already very twitchy and they'll block entire ASNs if they get listed by #Spamhaus.
3. #KiwiFarms is indefensible thus invalid discussion.
#kiwifarms #spamhaus #netneutrality #hurricaneelectric
@Commander_KEEN @verbraucherzentrale Und dabei hab' ich schon die #Spamhaus-#Blocklist|en drin!
Ich selbst bin ja am "bespammten Ende"...
is #spamhaus actually still used for anything?
I'm curious because they have my ipv6 blocked, along with every other address in 2600:3c03::* ... that's a lot of addresses to throw out with 1 spammy bathwater
@adlerweb ich halte das für naiv (anders als Blockaden von :activitypub: - Instanzen, denn #Threads wird wie ein dauerhafter #DDoS-Angriff alles (außer vielleicht wenige #SingleUser-Instanzen) lahmlegen.
Das ist genauso wie #eMail - Server aufsetzen und keinerlei #Blocklist alla #Spamhaus nutzen...
#spamhaus #blocklist #Email #singleuser #DDoS #threads
@siege *nodds in agreement*
On top of that it's basically like operating a #Mailserver without #Spamhaus #Blocklist|s and then wounder why your hoster is pissed at you...
#blocklist #spamhaus #mailserver
@mspro Wir sehen das Problem schon bei #eMail wo mit #YahooMail / #Yahoo, #GMail / #Google und #Outlook.com / #Microsoft drei Großkonzerne allen deren absurde Regeln aufzwingen, sich selbst aber an keine halten müssen, und dementsprechend für 99,99% allen #SPAM|s verantwortlich sind, der nicht automagisch per #Spamhaus weggeblockt wird!
#spamhaus #spam #Microsoft #outlook #Google #Gmail #yahoo #yahoomail #Email
@Anibyl @protonmail @Tutanota @chris
Because if this was true that they'd be a #loglessVPN, they'd be overrun by customers from organized crime so hard, every datacenter would #DROP them and #Spamhaus would've put their entire ASN on their blocklists [ https://www.spamhaus.org/drop/ ] , rendering all their IP allocations useless for anything!
@eris personally I'd rather be transparent about issues and communicate them...
That's how https://github.com/greyhat-academy/lists.d got an ever increasing adoption rate:
Cuz unlike some places like #Spamhaus you actually get a way to report issues and people who do care fixing those...
@YourAnonRiots The best and simplest way is to restrict #SSH to authorized keys only, disable password logins and fail2ban IPs when they try to brute-force access...
You may also employ [network-wide] blocklists like the #Spamhaus #DROP:
donc #spamhaus a décidé que je ne pourrait plus utiliser leur service sans m'inscrire chez eux.
Résultat de leur nouvelle politique : quasiment tout les mails qu'on m'envoyait depuis deux jours étaient bloqués et je viens juste de m'en apercevoir 😠
Support OVH
J'ai bien compris la problématique que vous rencontrez, mais comme indiqué, nous ne pouvons pas intervenir auprès de spamhaus pour cela.
Avez-vous d'autres questions ?
Dans l'attente de votre retour, je vous souhaite une excellente journée.
Date de réception
20/06/2023 13:34
#ovh #vps #spamhaus #help #postfix #blocklist
Vous ne semblez pas comprendre ma question, j'ai déjà pris contact avec spamhaus, mon ip n'est pas à l'origine du blacklistage mais se trouve dans le range qui est blacklisté à cause d'un ou d'autres serveurs qu'ovh héberge.
Il s'agit donc d'un problème qui vous concerne et je pense naïvement que c'est à vous d'investiguer et de traiter le problème avec votre client indélicat.
Date de réception
19/06/2023 18:28
#ovh #vps #spamhaus #help #postfix #blocklist
Support OVH
Malheureusement, nous ne pourrons pas intervenir auprès de spamhaus pour demander le déblacklistage de votre adresse IP.
Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée.
Avez-vous d'autres questions ?
Dans l'attente de votre retour, je vous souhaite une excellente journée.
Date de réception
19/06/2023 17:28
#ovh #vps #spamhaus #help #postfix #blocklist