A colleague and I are working on a free-access textbook (OER) for students to learn Spanish with a decolonial, feminist and anti-racist perspective. It is a great project where we focus on areas such as environment and degrowth, care, ancestral knowledges, diasporas, and local production while students practice the language.
Would anyone with expertise in learning design or foreign language acquisition be willing to take a look at our project and give us feedback? Credit will be given for collaboration. Gracias! #OER #SpanishAsSecondLanguage #spanishasforeignlanguage
#oer #spanishassecondlanguage #spanishasforeignlanguage
Does anybody here know about alternatives to Oral Presentations in #disabilitystudies #iberianstudies ? I've been teaching upper-level (literature and culture) courses lately and I want to be able to test and argue for different possibilities. #ELE #SpanishAsForeignLanguage
¿Alguien de aquí de #estudiosdediscapacidad y de #ELE que pueda ayudarme con alternativas a las presentaciones en cursos de literatura y cultura? Es por estudiar opciones y saber argumentar qué funciona y qué no.
#disabilitystudies #IberianStudies #Ele #spanishasforeignlanguage #estudiosdediscapacidad