Ryan was released from prison in 1940 with the help of German authorities. He then collaborated with Nazi Germany, believing a German invasion of Britain would be advantageous to the Irish nationalist cause.
#Ireland #IrishHistory #FrankRyan #CountyLimerick #SpanishCivilWar #OnThisDay
#ireland #irishhistory #frankryan #countylimerick #spanishcivilwar #onthisday
Frank Ryan was born in County Limerick on 11 September 1902. He participated in the Spanish Civil War on the Popular Front side, fighting for the Comintern-organised International Brigades (retroactively known as the Connolly Column). After being captured by pro-Nationalist Italians, he was sentenced to death. 1/2
#Ireland #IrishHistory #FrankRyan #CountyLimerick #SpanishCivilWar #OnThisDay
#ireland #irishhistory #frankryan #countylimerick #spanishcivilwar #onthisday
The statue of Dolores Ibarruri (born 1895 died 1989) on Clyde Street in Glasgow. Also know as La Pasionaria, she was a hero of the Spanish Civil war. The statue commemorates the 2,100 British members of the International Bridage who joined the struggle against fascism in the late 1930s. Ibarruri is the only non-British woman to be honoured with a statue in Glasgow.
#glasgow #statues #spanishcivilwar #lapasionaria #doloresubarruri #clydestreet
#clydestreet #doloresubarruri #lapasionaria #spanishcivilwar #statues #glasgow
Amazing: My Grandad was recruited into the Spanish Communist Party by a Fascist double agent!!
Bad. Ass.
I wish I knew him when I was an adult!
And my Grandmother was equally awesome: It was because of well-connected clients at her hair dressing shop in Valencia that they got my Grandad out of jail on bail, then they fled to France (for a second time, the first time was right after the Civil War as teenagers until the Nazis invaded. After the second time, they came to Montreal.
I found the video about my family! It’s on Vimeo!!
#family #franco #Spain #España #Communist #SpanishCivilWar
#family #franco #spain #espana #communist #spanishcivilwar
Squidward is with the IWA not the "soviet" union. Death to the vanguard, abolition from below!
#spongebob #laborSummer #LaborDay #AnSynd #spanishcivilwar #SquidOnStrike #spongebobmeme
#spongebob #laborsummer #laborday #ansynd #spanishcivilwar #squidonstrike #spongebobmeme
FINALLY - I have been looking for a mention online of a documentary film my now-passed aunt made about my Spanish Grandfather and his friend Paco as they resisted Franco's fascist regime and eventually fled with their families to Montreal (Paco may have come with our family, not sure he had his own). 99% sure that is my young grandfather on the right in the uniform. He has my dad's eyes. Was looking for this picture. The video isn't online anymore. I believe my dad has a copy. #SpanishCivilWar #AntiFascist #Spain #Canada #Family #Immigration
"The story of a family and their friend Paco who fled Spain in the 1940's to come to Canada after the Civil War. With the fear of impending imprisonment under Franco's regime the family traveled to France and then to Canada. Told exclusively with family photos and a voice over of the daughter who recounts their harrowing escape and immigration to Montreal as a five year old, it captures the times and the panic of survivors under a regime bent on persecuting its Republican citizens who fought against Franco and his fascist army."
#spanishcivilwar #antifascist #spain #canada #family #immigration
FINALLY - I have been looking for a mention online of a documentary film my now-passed aunt made about my Spanish Grandfather and his friend Paco as they resisted Franco's fascist regime and eventually fled to Montreal. 99% sure that is my young grandfather on the right in the uniform. Was looking for this picture. The video isn't online anymore. I believe my dad has a copy. #SpanishCivilWar #AntiFascist #Spain #Canada #Family #Immigration
"The story of a family and their friend Paco who fled Spain in the 1940's to come to Canada after the Civil War. With the fear of impending imprisonment under Franco's regime the family traveled to France and then to Canada. Told exclusively with family photos and a voice over of the daughter who recounts their harrowing escape and immigration to Montreal as a five year old, it captures the times and the panic of survivors under a regime bent on persecuting its Republican citizens who fought against Franco and his fascist army."
#spanishcivilwar #antifascist #spain #canada #family #immigration
politically left, she helped to organise rescue missions for loyalist veterans & spanish children’s relief.
to her last, she let her conscience guide her. the NAACP & MLK jr were benefactors of the bon mot babe’s will when she died of a heart attack at the age of 73. her suggested epitaphs? ‘excuse my dust’ & ‘it’s on me’.
bonus factoid: she wrote the song, ‘i wished on the moon’, which was first recorded by billie holiday.
#dorothyParker #portrait #spanishCivilWar #billieHoliday #literature
#literature #billieholiday #spanishcivilwar #Portrait #dorothyparker
It is #Monday, time for a new chapter of "Strengths"
In "The Fire Inside" we switch again to Lix's POV after Randall left the cave.
Alex sure stirred a few old memories, not pleasant ones.
Resonating with Sean Tyrrell's beautiful version of "Rising of the Moon"
#AmWriting #WiP #WritingCommunity #SpanishCivilWar #IrishCivilWar
@DoctorMonkey2 @floofpaldi @doctorwanderer @justdan @EvelynCold @QuokkaMocha
#Monday #amwriting #wip #WritingCommunity #spanishcivilwar #irishcivilwar
It is Monday. Have the next chapter of "Strengths".
In "The Slope" Lix, Randall, and Alex reach their destination, closer to the frontlines of the #SpanishCivilWar.
Warning: While it doesn't get explicit, this chapter deals with death and details of a war crime.
@DoctorMonkey2 @floofpaldi @doctorwanderer @justdan @EvelynCold @QuokkaMocha
Continuing the fight: Three anarchists from Spain in the British army, 1939-1945
But what was evident was that many of these veterans felt that Britain had let them down by not going after Franco next.
#Anarchism #Franco #LondonAntifascism #SecondWorldWar #Spain #SpanishCivilWar
#anarchism #franco #londonantifascism #Secondworldwar #spain #spanishcivilwar
I’m casting a slightly wider net looking for mentions of my great grandparents last name and have come upon a series of documents categorized as “Purge files of national masters” (Expedientes de depuración de maestros nacionales) and I have no idea what the heck that means.
Wow. This document includes what appears to be a record of testimony relating to a murder 17 April 1941. After the record, there is a gigantic list of “Relations of the Accused” (Relation de Denunciados). It’s huge, and may include my grandfather.
Fascist regimes and their lists….
There are a lot of records of land being disposessed/controlled etc. Example translation:
“That when the liberation of this area came about by the national troops in 1939, said property was recovered, being in possession of the aforementioned Alemany and the two individuals mentioned, ignoring their names, who exploited it throughout the Marxist domain.”
#Facists #SpanishCivilWar #Valencia #Spain #Marxist #Communist
#facists #spanishcivilwar #valencia #spain #marxist #communist
#OldhamHistoriesFestival has just launched! If you live in or near #Oldham check out the programme of events we've put together for 8-17 September (and a few beyond). Some of them are part of the #hHeritageOpenDays.
From the #InternationalBrigaders who fought in the #SpanishCivilWar to #suffragist #DameMarjoryLees, from a #history of the #curry industry and Oldham's links with #Japan to a #folklore #WritersWorkshop with #SophieParkes, there's something for everyone.
#oldhamhistoriesfestival #oldham #hheritageopendays #internationalbrigaders #spanishcivilwar #suffragist #damemarjorylees #history #curry #japan #folklore #writersworkshop #sophieparkes
#OnThisDay, July 18, in 1936, a military uprising led by the Fascist General Francisco Franco against the democratically elected government of Spain started the 3-year-long Spanish Civil War (depicted in While At War, 2019)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #WhileAtWar #SpanishCivilWar #Histodons #TodayInHistory @histodons
#onthisday #movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #whileatwar #spanishcivilwar #histodons #todayinhistory
📰 Para su 50a edición, la revista Arqueología & Historia ha organizado un número especial dedicada a la Arqueología da Guerra Civil de España.
En él, no podría faltar un artículo de nuestro Xurxo Ayán Vila, sobre la arqueología del posguerra.
#histodons #Archaeodons #SpanishCivilWar #ContemporaryArchaeology #GuerraCivil #ArqueologíaContemporánea #HistoryInThePublicSphere #SciComm #SciComPT #ComunicaciónSocialDeLaCiencia #DivulgaciónCientífica
#histodons #archaeodons #spanishcivilwar #ContemporaryArchaeology #guerracivil #arqueologiacontemporanea #historyinthepublicsphere #scicomm #SciComPT #comunicacionsocialdelaciencia #divulgacioncientifica
George Orwell criticised totalitarianism. His own political stance was democratic socialism.
He fought on the side of pro-democracy militants during the Spanish Civil War.
#georgeorwell #communism #socialdemoracy #spanishcivilwar #spain #history #totalitarianism #1984book
🆕 Congratulations to Xurxo Ayán and Sara Albuquerque, coordinators of two of the six new exploratory projects funded by #IN2PAST Associated Laboratory.
Their teams will be exploring the #archaeology of the Spanish refugee camps in Souther Portugal and the use of Ward’s box as a pedagogical object in the dissemination of the #HistoryOfScience, respectively.
Find out more: https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/en/in2past-funds-six-exploratory-projects/
#histodons #ContemporaryArchaeology #Heritage #SpanishCivilWar #SciHist
#IN2PAST #archaeology #historyofscience #histodons #ContemporaryArchaeology #heritage #spanishcivilwar #scihist
"EXHUMATION OF CIVIL WAR DEAD FROM SPAIN’S VALLEY OF CUELGAMUROS BEGINS. Scientists aim to analyse remains of 128 people recovered from basilica where thousands were buried" by Sam Jones.
"Forensic scientists are beginning efforts to exhume the remains of 128 people from the huge basilica outside Madrid where 34,000 dead from both sides of the Spanish civil war were buried, and where the body of Gen Francisco Franco also lay for almost half a century.
The exhumations at the Valley of Cuelgamuros – known until last year as the Valley of the Fallen – come after the families of some of those interred there spent almost two decades fighting for their loved ones to receive a dignified burial".
#History #Cuelgamuros #Memory #Spain #SpanishCivilWar #Heritage #CulturalHeritage #War #Exhumation
#history #cuelgamuros #memory #sPAIN #spanishcivilwar #heritage #culturalheritage #war #exhumation