Envidia – als Bürohund geeignet - Tiere suchen ein Zuhause - 2 mal #Galgo suchen passendes "für immer Sofa"! 🐕🐕❤️
https://www1.wdr.de/fernsehen/tiere-suchen-ein-zuhause/wirsucheneinzuhause-envidia-100.html #windhunde #galgoespanol #sighthounds #spanishgreyhound
#spanishgreyhound #sighthounds #galgoespanol #Windhunde #galgo
Galgos are Spanish hunting dogs who are horrifically abused & killed. Please visit website to help raise awareness. #dogs #diadelgalgo #worldgalgoday #stopgalgueros #galgo #galgorescue #maltratogalgos
DÍA DEL GALGO | WORLD GALGO DAY | FEBRUARY 1 http://diadelgalgo.com/ @dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #freethegalgo #freethesighthounds #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #galgoespañol #spanishgreyhound
#dogs #diadelgalgo #worldgalgoday #StopGalgueros #galgo #galgorescue #maltratogalgos #mastodogs #freethegalgo #freethesighthounds #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #galgoespanol #spanishgreyhound
Galgos are Spanish hunting dogs who are horrifically abused & killed. Please visit website to help raise awareness. #dogs #diadelgalgo #worldgalgoday #stopgalgueros #galgo #galgorescue #maltratogalgos
DÍA DEL GALGO | WORLD GALGO DAY | FEBRUARY 1 http://diadelgalgo.com/ @dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #freethegalgo #freethesighthounds #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #galgoespañol #spanishgreyhound
#dogs #diadelgalgo #worldgalgoday #StopGalgueros #galgo #galgorescue #maltratogalgos #mastodogs #freethegalgo #freethesighthounds #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #galgoespanol #spanishgreyhound
Pina, das rasende Radieschen ♥️😎 @dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #galgo #freethegalgo #bethevoiceforthevoiceless #diadelgalgo #rescuedog #rescuedogs #sighthounds #spanishgreyhound #galgoespanol
#mastodogs #galgo #freethegalgo #bethevoiceforthevoiceless #diadelgalgo #rescuedog #rescuedogs #sighthounds #spanishgreyhound #galgoespanol
Good Night ❤️🎄😴#tzaf #fediverse #Mastodon
#galgoespañol #rescuedogs #windhunde @dogsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #Weihnachten #christmas #christmas2022 #weihnachten2022 #hunde #24Dez2022 #sighthounds #SpanishGreyhound #Greyhoud
#tzaf #fediverse #mastodon #galgoespanol #rescuedogs #windhunde #dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #weihnachten #christmas #christmas2022 #weihnachten2022 #hunde #24dez2022 #sighthounds #spanishgreyhound #greyhoud
The face of a dog that stole a (large) cookie whilst I was the kitchen. #cookiethief #heeftuookgevuldekoeken #clevergirl #thefaceofinnocence #gilathedog #galgo #galgoholic #galgoespañol #galgomix #podenco #podencomix #galgenco #galgoholic #lifeisbetterwithadog #bestfriend #atigrada #brindle #spanishgreyhound #greyhound #levrier #levrel #windhond #hazewind #sighthound #windhund #greyhoundmix #lurcher
#cookiethief #heeftuookgevuldekoeken #clevergirl #thefaceofinnocence #gilathedog #galgo #galgoholic #galgoespanol #galgomix #podenco #podencomix #galgenco #lifeisbetterwithadog #bestfriend #atigrada #brindle #spanishgreyhound #greyhound #levrier #levrel #windhond #hazewind #sighthound #windhund #greyhoundmix #lurcher
#mondog #mondogmonday #dogsofmastodon #gilathedog #galgo #galgoholic #galgoespañol #galgomix #podenco #podencomix #galgenco #galgoholic #lifeisbetterwithadog #bestfriend #atigrada #brindle #spanishgreyhound #greyhound #levrier #levrel #windhond #hazewind #sighthound #windhund #greyhoundmix #lurcher
#mondog #mondogmonday #dogsofmastodon #gilathedog #galgo #galgoholic #galgoespanol #galgomix #podenco #podencomix #galgenco #lifeisbetterwithadog #bestfriend #atigrada #brindle #spanishgreyhound #greyhound #levrier #levrel #windhond #hazewind #sighthound #windhund #greyhoundmix #lurcher
Gila is not a fan of sweater-weather. But she doesn’t like wearing sweaters either. 🤔 #sweaterweather #gilathedog #galgo #galgoholic #galgoespañol #galgomix #podenco #podencomix #galgenco #galgoholic #lifeisbetterwithadog #bestfriend #atigrada #brindle #spanishgreyhound #greyhound #levrier #levrel #windhond #hazewind #sighthound #windhund #greyhoundmix #lurcher
#SweaterWeather #gilathedog #galgo #galgoholic #galgoespanol #galgomix #podenco #podencomix #galgenco #lifeisbetterwithadog #bestfriend #atigrada #brindle #spanishgreyhound #greyhound #levrier #levrel #windhond #hazewind #sighthound #windhund #greyhoundmix #lurcher