Hi there 👋
I am María Morales, Front-End #Engineer from #CanaryIslands , Spain.
I am a Higher Technician in Development of #Web Applications, but I am also Graduated in #SpanishPhilology , specialized in Contemporary #Literature .
★ Languages and tools
#HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Vue #React #SASS #TypeScript #Vite #Vitest #Cypress #Figma #Storybook
★ Also currently learning
#UI/UX #ComputationalLinguistics #SpanishLiterature #English #ModernGreek
#engineer #canaryislands #web #spanishphilology #literature #html #css #javascript #vue #react #sass #typescript #vite #vitest #cypress #figma #storybook #ui #computationallinguistics #spanishliterature #english #moderngreek
‘There are individuals who are all façade, like houses left unfinished because the money ran out. They have the entrance of a palace and the interior of a shack.’ Baltasar Gracián
Baltasar Gracián y Morales, The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence, trans. by Jeremy Robbins, Penguin Classics (London : Penguin Books, 2011), p. 19.
#quotes #quote #spanishLiterature #español #españa #translation #advice #philosophy
#philosophy #advice #translation #espana #espanol #spanishliterature #quote #quotes
Esto 🖤🖤
Qué descubrimiento, Javier Tomeo
#literature #spanish #spanishliterature #javiertomeo #books
St Teresa of Avila finished writing The Interior Castle on St Andrew's Eve in the year 1577. Visit our blog to read the opening paragraphs of this masterpiece and quotes from her epilogue: "now that I am finished I admit the work has brought me much happiness."
🏰 https://carmelitequotes.blog
#StTeresaOfAvila #TheInteriorCastle #StAndrew #StAndrewsDay
#quotes #OnThisDay
#masterpiece #SpanishLiterature
#spirituality #prayer
#prayer #spirituality #spanishliterature #masterpiece #onthisday #quotes #StAndrewsDay #standrew #theinteriorcastle #stteresaofavila
I was interviewed last week for the New Books Network's podcast regarding my book _Chocolate: How a New World Commodity Conquered Spanish Literature_ and the episode just dropped!
Link to the book in my profile as well. #spanish #spanishliterature #literatura #literaturestudies #books @bookstodon @litstudies
#spanish #spanishliterature #literatura #literaturestudies #books
In the spirit of writing some posts of my own, rather than just boosting those of others, here's an image of the cover of my first book, Myth and Identity in the #Epic of Imperial #Spain (U Missouri P, 2000). In #EarlyModern #SpanishLiterature, epic had been sidelined in favor of lyric by the German philologists who studied Spanish literature in the 19th century. The decanonization of epic had to do with fashion, but also with the privileging of shorter poems that were more easily included in course curricula. My book attempted to breathe new life into five of these long-neglected texts and to show that overlooking epic is risky, for doing so creates a gap in one's ability to appraise not only the range of cultural practices of the Spanish imperial age, but also the purest expression of its dominant ideology.
#spanishliterature #earlymodern #sPAIN #epic
@JonathanSheldon here's a video of me reading the opening of my speculative / Henry Jamesian short story "The Family Guest" ! The video includes a bit of context on the Spanish writer whose work inspired mine - Emilia Pardo Bazán.
#Translation #Traducción #LiteraryTranslation #TraducciónLiteraria #SpeculativeFiction #FiccionEspeculativa #ShortStories #Spain #SpanishLiterature #LiteraturaCastellana #CuentosCastellanos #CuentosCortes
#CuentosCortes #CuentosCastellanos #LiteraturaCastellana #spanishliterature #spain #shortstories #FiccionEspeculativa #speculativefiction #TraducciónLiteraria #LiteraryTranslation #traducción #translation
Isaac Cardoso, Las excelencias de los hebreos (Amsterdam 1679) , an Open Iberia/América open access teaching unit https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2020/09/17/cardoso_excelencias/ #jewishhistory #sephardic #sefarad #hispanista #spanishliterature #hispanist
#hispanist #spanishliterature #hispanista #sefarad #sephardic #jewishhistory
Leyenda de la Doncella Carcayçiyona (Aragón, ca. 1587) an Open Iberia/América open access teaching unit https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2022/01/24/legend-de-la-doncella-carcayciyona-aragon-ca-1587/#earlymodern #hispanista #hispanist #spanishliterature #literaturaespañola #morisco #aljamiado #siglodeoro (but for whom?)
#siglodeoro #aljamiado #morisco #literaturaespanola #spanishliterature #hispanist #hispanista
A post with some topics I'm interested in, for better visibility/networking:
#Gothic #ghosts #GhostStories #hauntology
#dictatorship #fascism #memory #memorystudies
#trauma #traumastudies #Spain #Spanishfiction
#litstudies #literature #novels #literaturestudies #gothicstudies #historicalmemory #spanishliterature
#gothic #ghosts #GhostStories #hauntology #dictatorship #fascism #memory #memorystudies #trauma #traumastudies #sPAIN #Spanishfiction #litstudies #literature #novels #literaturestudies #gothicstudies #historicalmemory #spanishliterature #peninsularstudies