@yewscion @futurebird I’m planning on swapping my instance over to something more conducive to long-form posting, to better share what I’ve got. Short answer: both.
I have a #Stellaris species collection + series of event chains (my favourite chain: archaeologists excavating an archaeologist excavation… yo dawg) as well as at least two novels planned. “Children of the People” (the term for orphans of war) and one covering the Awakening (to being a sentient species) and the first #spapre Avatar.
@lawlznet @futurebird Well, and key point: consciously derived. The Zerg weren't really given a choice in the matter.
But don't worry, the evil snuck in with the #spapre goddess during the formation of the universe. But its goal is survival; hard to call that truly evil—except to the exclusion of all life which it sees as antithetical in the long-term. Parasitic, almost. But parasitic to universes.
(Life speeds up the "heat-death" of the universe… that evil sure takes a long view of things!)
@futurebird The science fiction species I'm writing are plant-people. Their "technology" is largely biohacking of their (and other plant) physiology.
A backpack? It's a living plant grafted to the host. A space ship? One of the People sacrificed themselves to be mutated into that vessel. Communication and transportation? "World trees" link colonies whose space-born seeds offer zero-risk expansion. #peirspapre #spapre
The complexity of life and its interactions will never cease to amaze.