"Even Socrates, who lived a very frugal and simple life, loved to go to the market. When his students asked about this, he replied, 'I love to go and see all the things I am happy without.'" — Jack Kornfield — — — #JackKornfield #quote #quotes #frugal #frugality #simple #sparing #thrifty #restraint
#jackkornfield #quote #quotes #frugal #frugality #simple #sparing #thrifty #restraint
På IPS er pengene låst til en viss alder, de to andre har forskjeller på når skatten kommer: hvert år basert på avkastningen som kommer inn på konto eller først når pengene overføres ut… tror jeg.
Using time series of forest loss and yield changes, we find that higher #yields are associated with accelerated #deforestation in the tropical dry forests – in other words: we do not find a land #sparing effect.
#Yields #deforestation #sparing
Isotopic #sparing phenomenon on an area of #erythema migrans in #amoxicillin-induced exanthema
Free access 50 d
#sparing #erythema #Amoxicillin