#1Jour1Requête #SPARQL #Wikidata #cimetière #Nancy
En voyant la vaste étendue des cimetières de l'agglomération nancéienne sur la carte, je me suis demandé si on pouvait avoir les noms de celles et ceux qui sont nés ou sont morts à Nancy, et dont le lieu de sépulture (si connu), se situe en Meurthe-et-Moselle.
La requête : https://w.wiki/7SH2
Résultat : le lieu de sépulture n'est renseigné que pour 40 personnes sur 1230. Y a du taf !
#1jour1requete #sparql #Wikidata #cimetiere #nancy
Frise chronologique des directeurs et directrices des #Archives départementales des Bouches-du-Rhône avec le genre mise en évidence. basé sur histropedia qui se nourrie de #Wikidata #Dataviz #Glam #Sparql #Gender https://js.histropedia.com/apps/query-timeline/index.html?q=%23Chronologie%20des%20directeurs%20des%20Archives%20d%C3%83%C2%A9partementales%20des%20Bouches-du-Rh%C3%83%C2%B4ne%0A%0Aselect%20?directeur%20?directeurLabel%20?start%20?end%20?genreLabel%20where%20%7B%0A%0A?directeur%20p:P39%20?position.%0A%0A?position%20ps:P39%20wd:Q1162163;%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20pq:P642%20wd:Q2860505%20;%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20OPTIONAL%20%7B%20?position%20pq:P580%20?start.%20%7D%20%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20OPTIONAL%20%7B%20?position%20pq:P582%20?end.%20%7D%0A%0A%0A?directeur%20wdt:P21%20?genre.%0A%0ASERVICE%20wikibase:label%20%7B%20bd:serviceParam%20wikibase:language%20%22%5BAUTO_LANGUAGE%5D,fr,en%22.%20%7D%0A%0A%7D%0A%0AORDER%20BY%20?start&l=directeur&t=directeurLabel&s=start&sp=start&e=end&ep=end&i=undefined&c=genreLabel&v=t
#gender #sparql #glam #dataviz #wikidata #archives
@craignewmark congrats to Taufik!
But more exciting to me is the revelation that #WikiData exists. How have I never heard of this? Guess I need to go learn #SPARQL ✨
I moved all my TSV files containing a descriptions of my BAMs, fasta refs, samples, phenotypes, comment etc... to a #RDF #graph. No regret ! I works fine, the graph is git-ed and I can re-generate any TSV file using #sparql
#rdf #graph #sparql #semanticweb #datamanagement #bioinformatics
Mit #SPARQL schreibt man mächtige Abfragen für #LinkedData. Geht das auch einfacher?
@Liip hat #LinkedDataGPT geschrieben und zeigt wie #OpenData von @OpenDataZurich über natürliche Sprache gefunden werden kann
#sparql #linkeddata #linkeddatagpt #opendata
Using some fairly simple federated SPARQL and the wikidata query service, I was able to add geocoordinates to ~ 1000 Brinkman concepts, before my coffee turned cold.
An example: https://data.digitopia.nl/id/thes/p075632012
Ever wanted to learn more about (Research) #KnowledgeGraphs and #SPARQL?
Take the free open OpenHPI course “Knowledge Graphs – Foundations and Applications” offered by one of our #NFDI4DS Co-Spokespersons.
Learn how to design, execute, and utilise knowledge graphs using #RDF triples, #OWL and #SPARQL
Discuss knowledge graphs in #AI and #ML and how to improve the explicability and trustworthiness of #blackbox #deeplearning models
#knowledgegraphs #sparql #nfdi4ds #rdf #owl #ai #ml #blackbox #deeplearning #nfdirocks
Ugh, I wanted a simple list of #CreativeCommons CC 4.0 licenses with URI, name, and short name. Thought I’d just go to #Wikidata and test my #SPARQL foo. But it turns out the encoding of CC licenses in Wikidata is super inconsistent. Any other thoughts where I could get such a list?
#sparql #wikidata #creativecommons
[#billet] "Do you #SPARQL ?" - Compilation de requêtes patrimoniales et culturelles #Wikidata - #Patrimoine et #numérique
D'après les géniales #1jour1requete de @belett , en clair pour faciliter modifs et remix (surtout quand on manque de temps pour se plonger dans les tutos et vidéos)
#semweb #archives #musee #bibliotheque #glam #openglam poke @archivistodon
#openglam #glam #bibliotheque #musee #archives #semweb #1jour1requete #numerique #patrimoine #wikidata #sparql #billet
Interesting paper on how to leverage ontology mappings in a query federation engine.
Sijin Cheng, Sebastián Ferrada, and Olaf Hartig, "Considering Vocabulary Mappings in Query
Plans for Federations of RDF Data Sources"
paper: http://olafhartig.de/files/ChengEtAL_VocabMappings_CoopIS2023.pdf
#sparql #federation #semanticweb #rdf #CoopIS2023 #ontology #ontologymapping
#sparql #federation #semanticweb #rdf #coopis2023 #ontology #ontologymapping
Do you struggle with #SPARQL queries? Just ask #chatgpt to write you a query!
Wait....how about we train #llms to use different tools on #KnowledgeGraphs and store all of our knowledge in Knowledge Graphs?
What a brilliant future perspective with a lot of benefits by @vrandecic
#largelanguagemodels #rdf #wikidata #KnowledgeGraphs #llms #chatgpt #sparql
Which 7 authors of Dutch novels, that lived in the 19th century or before, were also composers?
In a rare break with tradition, this week sees a non-librarian bestowed with our much coveted Librarian of the Week award. A rare honour.
More #weeknotes from
@anyaso and I:
Read on for more parliamentary search upgrade news, some procedural tinkering, a #SPARQL query or two, a dash of general election planning, oodles and oodles of #RSS, arithmetic map making, a spreadsheet on expedited legislation and the naming of some ships.
https://semOpenAlex.org "provides comprehensive information on scientific publications and related entities."
"SemOpenAlex: The Scientific Landscape in 26 Billion RDF Triples" https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.03671
#OpenAlex #SemOpenAlex #SPARQL #CC0 #LinkedOpenData #lod #OpenData
#openalex #semopenalex #sparql #cc0 #linkedopendata #lod #opendata
New blog entry: Passing your own data to use in Wikidata visualizations — A VALUES-based approach.https://www.bobdc.com/blog/your-values-wikidata/ #SPARQL
Grâce à l'import des médailles d'argent du CNRS sur #Wikidata, on peut à présent répondre à cette question : à partir de quand la parité dans la remise de ces récompenses est-elle atteinte ?
@macgraveur @belett @b3d2c rajouter dans l'article en gros un lien vers l'accès sparql ne serait pas superflu (j'ai mis 10 minutes à le trouver :rblobglare: !)
Contenu est assez clair mais encore trop théorique. Il faudrait des exemples accessibles et modifiables (pas sûr qu'il y ait d'url permanente sur les requêtes)
#UX #sparql #archives poke #histodons #archivistodons #websemantique
#websemantique #archivistodons #histodons #archives #sparql #ux