Interested in movement analysis? Join us at the Disruptive Movement Analysis (DMA’23) GIScience conference
workshop in Leeds, UK, on 12 Sept. Featuring short research & vision papers, student competition, data challenge and a special issue of @ijgis
More info:
Workshop CfP:
GIScience conference:
#HumanMobility #MovementEcology
#GIScience #GPS #SpatialDataScience
#gischat #spatialbehaviour #spatialdatascience #gps #giscience #movementecology #humanmobility #movementanalysis
Food for thought: when/if twitter collapses, all the very popular studies in #GIScience using twitter data for #HumanMobility or #SpatialBehaviour (or well, other behaviour) will become obsolete. 🤔
It probably doesn't have to collapse completely, but even a significant change in userbase (as is happening now - although to what extent does this have to happen? And is now enough?) will make them useless.
Maybe a topic for #gischat?
#gischat #spatialbehaviour #humanmobility #giscience