date: 2023-03-20 02:46:12
by: Dr Sharyn Hickey
PhD Opportunity: Spatial Modelling marine & intertidal communities of the salt flats along the Pilbara Coast, Australia
This round is domestic (Australia) only-happy to chat for future non-domestic rounds
#mangroves #saltmarsh #spatialmodelling #remotesensing #cyanobacteria #PhD
#mangroves #saltmarsh #spatialmodelling #remotesensing #cyanobacteria #phd #phdPosition
Do you have a passion for #ecoacoustics, #bioacoustics #conservation and Skills in #DataScience #spatialModelling #R #Python
Check out this amazing 24 month post-doc on the @FRBiodiv in Montpellier
DM for more info. pls RT
@WILDLABSNET @WildlifeAcoust
#ecoacoustics #bioacoustics #conservation #datascience #spatialmodelling #r #python
Are you a data savvy post-doc interested in #ecoacoustics, #bioacoustics, #conservation, #spatialModelling check out this amazing #EcologyJob 24 month post-doc DM me for more info. pls RT
#ecoacoustics #bioacoustics #conservation #spatialmodelling #ecologyjob