Happy to share my first public Laravel package 😊
It's not a great one but is my first. Great learnings from @freekmurze and #spatie courses!
Thanks a lot!
#laravel #php #packagist
#spatie #laravel #php #packagist
Introducing spatie/php-structure-discoverer, a package which allows you to find classes, interfaces, traits and enums within your application without hassle!
More info here: https://github.com/spatie/php-structure-discoverer
@spatiegebruik Vergroot glas of vergrootglas? De #spatie maakt het verschil...
@array Videos is easy: #Laracasts, #Laravel Daily, #Spatie, Christoph Rumpel, #BeyondCode. Text, good question, I find most of my text based learning the docs and then laravel-news and @freekmurze newsletter and website. Depending no your level there is also the Laravel #Bootcamp: https://bootcamp.laravel.com As a kid learning C and Pascal I loved just following the spec and trying out every method until I knew it well. Hope this is helpful.
#laracasts #laravel #spatie #beyondcode #bootcamp
🌟 The making of the WWSD videos
@sjaakkeuvelaar @isoglosse Engels misschien, maar Duits dan?
Een klassieker: (ja er is ook een Nederlandse versie maar deze vind ik leuker)
I think sometimes we assume everyone knows about all the great tools that are out there, so we don't ever mention them.
So, I'm not sure who needs to know, but if you're a #php #developer and you are working without Beyond Code's Tinkerwell or Spatie's Ray - you need to check them out.
They have quickly become tools I can't imagine living without.
I'd love to know about any other tools you all find invaluable.
#php #developer #spatie #beyondcode #Tinkerwell #ray
I loathe programming anything to do with excel spreadsheets.
That said, spatie/simple-excel just made my afternoon significantly less painful.
I still loathe it, just less.
Laravel, PHP and JavaScript Packages | Spatie