I don't remember what exactly I have put in the prompt, but this one has both #Venom and #Spawn vibes. Imagine a creature having the powers of both plus the agility and senses of a #mustelid. It would be an unstoppable force!
#symbiote #armor
#AI #genAI #aiart #anthro #generativeart #StableDiffusion
#venom #spawn #mustelid #symbiote #armor #ai #genai #aiart #anthro #generativeart #stablediffusion
Con motivo de la llegada del nuevo cruce ECC reúne en una edición especial los tres crossover que desde los 90 unieron los caminos de #Batman y #Spawn https://www.cinemascomics.com/batman-spawn-la-trilogia-el-caballero-oscuro-contra-el-engendro-infernal/
15. Spawn (1997) Un desastre que da más pena que risa, no da ni para conversación. Lo peor de todo, es que es cargante. Los villanos son horripilantes (en el sentido más despectivo de la palabra, John Leguizamo como Violator es insufrible) y el protagonista es realmente soso e insustancial. Como adaptación, ni siquiera sé a qué nivel acierta o falla. Solo sé que Spawn pasa mucho tiempo sin máscara y que apenas hace gala de su mítica capa. La despliega un par de veces y prou.
Además, la recta final termina de lapidar la película, por anticlimática y absurda. Os aseguro que el CGI infernal (literal y figuradamente) acaba siendo lo de menos. Lo dicho, es que ni para risas da.
#Reseñas #Cine #adaptacion #superheroes #image #spawn #toddmcfarlane
#resenas #cine #adaptacion #superheroes #image #spawn #toddmcfarlane
#ToddFather is keeeping the 90s alive. Picked up the #Spawn universe ongoing series from my local comics shop.
I especially love Brett Booth's art, who also did a connecting cover variants across all characters' issues a while back.
#Image #Comics #SpawnUniverse #KingSpawn #GunSlinger #Scorched #ToddMcFarlane #CarloBarbieri #JaviFernandez #BrettBooth #StephenSegovia
#toddfather #spawn #image #comics #spawnuniverse #kingspawn #gunslinger #scorched #toddmcfarlane #carlobarbieri #javifernandez #brettbooth #stephensegovia
Hey gang!! Weigh in!! What were your favorite #ImageComics titles from any period in its publishing history?
#ScreenRant published this top ten list in the article linked. My top ten will be added to the reply’s on this post. #Youngblood #TheWalkingDead #Saga #Spawn
#spawn #saga #thewalkingdead #youngblood #screenrant #imagecomics
Action movies released in 1997…pick your favorite. Poll 2 of 2.
#spawn #conair #dantespeak #volcano #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #actionmovies
The Spawn Universe is expanding with heaps of new comics announced at SDCC. https://aiptcomics.com/2023/07/21/sdcc-2023-todd-mcfarlane-spawn/
#Comics #Spawn #ToodMcFarlane #ImageComics #ComicBooks #SDCC #SDCCNews
#comics #spawn #toodmcfarlane #imagecomics #comicbooks #SDCC #sdccnews
#verkaufe #sell #comic #Comics #mainz #Image #spawn #Infinity #dc #dino #lobo #witchblade #darkness #topcow #superhero #graphicnovel #graphicnovels #Art
#kleinanzeige #kleinanzeigen #verkaufe #sell #comic #comics #mainz #image #spawn #infinity #dc #dino #lobo #witchblade #darkness #topcow #superhero #graphicNovel #graphicnovels #art
#dibujo, #boligrafo , #tinta , #ilustracion , #spawn , #illustration , #art , #artist
#dibujo #boligrafo #tinta #ilustracion #spawn #illustration #art #artist
Kotaku: Team Fortress 2 Hits New Player Record After Big Update https://kotaku.com/tf2-team-fortress-2-summer-2023-steam-pc-patch-notes-1850635873 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #teamfortressclassic #firstpersonshooters #videogamesequels #teamfortress2 #windowsgames #tangotaunt #linuxgames #haloreach #taunting #patch #spawn
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #teamfortressclassic #firstpersonshooters #videogamesequels #teamfortress2 #windowsgames #tangotaunt #linuxgames #haloreach #taunting #Patch #spawn
I could never get more than the first few issues of #Spawn comics released w/ the @mcfarlanetoys as a kid. But @Todd_McFarlane himself, and Al Simmons, always kept their mystique and inspirational qualities.
Getting to read the comics as an adult makes me want to make more #art
Kotaku: Don't Worry, Diablo IV's Hardest Boss Probably Won't Ruin Your Run https://kotaku.com/diablo-4-iv-the-butcher-spawn-rate-1850605761 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #roleplayingvideogames #dondiablodiscography #mudterminology #blizzardgames #windowsgames #warconflict #diabloiv #grinding #butcher #diablo #spawn #loot
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #roleplayingvideogames #dondiablodiscography #mudterminology #blizzardgames #windowsgames #warconflict #DiabloIV #grinding #butcher #diablo #spawn #loot