Global News BC: B.C. firefighters save kitten trapped under Surrey floor for days #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BritishColumbia #HumanInterest #Firefighters #kittenrescue #catrescue #goodnews #BCSPCA #Kitten #Surrey #News #SPCA #Cat
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #humaninterest #firefighters #kittenrescue #catrescue #goodnews #BCSPCA #kitten #surrey #spca #cat
Global News BC: Pets belong inside vehicles when travelling, SPCA and B.C. Highway Patrol say #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #travellingwithpets #bcmotorvehicleact #BCHighwayPatrol #travellingpets #PetSafety #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #travellingwithpets #bcmotorvehicleact #bchighwaypatrol #travellingpets #petsafety #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
Global News BC: BC SPCA pet food banks struggle to keep up with rising demand #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Petfoodinhighdemand #SPCApetfoodbanks #SPCAdonations #Petfoodbanks #spcafoodbank #Wildfires #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #petfoodinhighdemand #spcapetfoodbanks #SPCAdonations #petfoodbanks #spcafoodbank #wildfires #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
Whiskers and Atlas are very interested in Bob the Big Red Cat. Bob may be recently homeless. 😿 We left a bowl for him on the front stairs just now and he ate almost all the food. We are worried that Bob seems to be losing weight. We might be bringing Bob to the SPCA tomorrow or Monday. Whatever happens, we’ll make sure Bob has a home. He is a very friendly dude. @alanna_w #CatsOfMastodon #Catsodon #Caturday #SPCA #rescue
#catsofmastodon #catsodon #caturday #spca #rescue
And he appears to have a brother called Pedro Pspspscal. :blobcatmelt:
I'm not quite ready to adopt yet, but I was checking out the SPCA website and saw this little dude called Anderson Pooper. :blobcataww:
Latest fosters. We picked them up this afternoon and we need name ideas!
#FosterCats #FosterKittens #MastoCats #CatsOfMastodon #name #spca
#FosterCats #fosterkittens #mastocats #catsofmastodon #name #spca
Global News BC: B.C. man whose emaciated dogs were seized loses appeal to have 4 returned #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCFarmIndustryReviewBoard #emaciateddogsseized #BCSPCAseizesdogs #southerninterior #Emaciateddogs #StarvingDogs #BCInterior #Clearwater #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcfarmindustryreviewboard #emaciateddogsseized #bcspcaseizesdogs #southerninterior #Emaciateddogs #starvingdogs #BCInterior #clearwater #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
La #SPCA a obtenu de Québec solidaire que ce parti dépose un projet de loi afin qu'il soit interdit d'interdir les animaux de compagnie dans les logements. Pourquoi? La réponse en cliquant sur ce lien:
Global News BC: Good Samaritans rescue injured cat found on B.C. logging road #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #injuredcatfoundonloggingroad #EastKootenayBCSPCAbranch #catfoundonloggingroad #injuredcatrescued #GoodSamaritans #BCInterior #injuredcat #Cranbrook #Kootenays #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #injuredcatfoundonloggingroad #eastkootenaybcspcabranch #catfoundonloggingroad #injuredcatrescued #goodsamaritans #BCInterior #injuredcat #Cranbrook #Kootenays #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
Please vote for Snufkin to help raise money for the #vancouver SPCA!!! 🐈⬛
#vancouver #cats #catsofmastodon #spca
Global News BC: Pandemic pet boom hits bust as B.C. shelters see influx of animals #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #COVIDtrendanimalbreeders #COVIDanimaltrend #goldenretrievers #centralinterior #AnimalAdoption #animalbreeders #COVIDpettrend #PetAdoption #BCInterior #COVIDtrend #pettrend #Quesnel #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #covidtrendanimalbreeders #covidanimaltrend #goldenretrievers #centralinterior #animaladoption #animalbreeders #covidpettrend #petadoption #BCInterior #covidtrend #pettrend #quesnel #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
Global News BC: Cat rescued from storm drain at UBC Okanagan #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #KelownaFireDepartment #stormdrainrescue #AnimalControl #CityofKelowna #AnimalRescue #UBC-Okanagan #KelownaSPCA #RescuedCat #Canada #SPCA #UBCO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kelownafiredepartment #stormdrainrescue #animalcontrol #cityofkelowna #animalrescue #ubc #kelownaspca #rescuedcat #Canada #spca #ubco
Global News BC: Need for BC SPCA animal services grows across the province in 2022 #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #veterinaryservice #AnimalCruelty #animalservice #spcafoodbank #vetshortage #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #veterinaryservice #animalcruelty #animalservice #spcafoodbank #vetshortage #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
Global News BC: Emaciated dog found chained to wall in Okanagan gives birth to seven puppies #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #KelownaAnimalCentre #Kelownadogrescued #Kelownapuppies #BCSPCAKelowna #dogsrescued #Okanagan #Puppies #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kelownaanimalcentre #kelownadogrescued #kelownapuppies #bcspcakelowna #dogsrescued #okanagan #puppies #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
Global News BC: 129 ‘neglected’ cattle seized from B.C. property where SPCA says dead cows were also found #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCSPCAseizescattle #SPCAanimalseizure #southerninterior #129cattleseized #AnimalSeizure #CattleSeized #BCInterior #cawston #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcspcaseizescattle #spcaanimalseizure #southerninterior #129cattleseized #animalseizure #cattleseized #BCInterior #cawston #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
The #BC #SPCA is asking people to take down their #bird #feeders as #highly #pathogenic #avian #influenza A(#H5N1) is spreading through bird populations in much of the province.
News story:
#Canadian government information:
#bc #spca #bird #feeders #highly #pathogenic #Avian #influenza #h5n1 #canadian
Global News BC: 10 malamute-cross dogs rescued from remote northern B.C. property #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fortstjohnrescue #malamuterescue #malamutehusky #SPCAdonations #NorthernB.C. #FortStJohn #SPCArescue #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fortstjohnrescue #malamuterescue #malamutehusky #SPCAdonations #northernb #fortstjohn #spcarescue #Canada #BCSPCA #spca