Dejando de lado un final que no creo que haga justicia al resto de la historia (y que presupongo estará relacionado con la religión), #SpeakNoEvil consigue una atmósfera malsana tan insostenible, con tan pocos elementos pero tan importantes (la fotografía, la localización y los diálogos secos y tajantes), que cuando llega el clímax... te deja sin aliento.
Otro ejercicio de terror nórdico de brillante incomodidad de la mano de #ChristianTafdrup.
#cine #cinedanes #cineterror #cinemastodon #christiantafdrup #speaknoevil
𝗙𝗲𝗱𝗷𝗮 𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗛𝘂ê𝘁 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗥𝗮𝗹𝗽𝗵 𝗙𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲𝘀 𝗯𝗶𝗷 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀
Fedja van Huêt heeft donderdag achter het net gevist bij de Critics Choice Super Awards. De Nederlandse ster was genomineerd in de categorie beste acteur in een horrorfilm, voor zijn rol in de Deense film Speak No Evil. Maar het beeldje ging ... #nieuws #NUnl #speaknoevil #ralphfiennes #criticschoicesuperawards
#criticschoicesuperawards #RalphFiennes #speaknoevil #nunl #nieuws
#SpeakNoEvil 2022 #HorrorMovies is in the queue tonight, I'm well fed and I have a #GinAndTonic at hand, blankets, check, kids moving towards bed, check. Partner already snuggled up with a book; all is right with the world. We'll work on designing in silico studies to examine off target effects of medications to improve #Emphysema and #COPD tomorrow. Oh yeah and and writing that grant that will fund #FocusGroups of people using #Cannabis for #SexualHealth? Also tomorrow.
See you then friends!
#speaknoevil #horrormovies #ginandtonic #emphysema #copd #focusgroups #cannabis #sexualhealth
Wayne Shorter - Infant Eyes (Speak No Evil, 1966)
#WayneShorter #SpeakNoEvil #jazz #tootradio #pouetradio #musique
#wayneshorter #speaknoevil #jazz #tootradio #pouetradio #musique
In Gedenken an #WayneShorter läuft heute Abend #SpeakNoEvil
Another giant passes.
‘The word “jazz” means to me, “I dare you. Let's jump into the unknown!”’
RIP Wayne Shorter
#WayneShorter #jazz #rip #speaknoevil
I just added these guys and/or gals to my #etsy page, along with a bunch of other glittery skull type stuff. Check it out at or hit the #linkinbio #seenoevil #hearnoevil #speaknoevil #skull #skull #skeleton #skeletons #resin #resinart #blue #glitter #sparkle #hastagsarestupid
#etsy #linkinbio #seenoevil #hearnoevil #speaknoevil #skull #skeleton #skeletons #resin #resinart #blue #glitter #sparkle #hastagsarestupid
Tivitir uygulamasını sildim, bilenler bilir, biraz bel ağrısı, burun akıntısı...
I just made these & they’re on my #Etsy page: or hit the #linkinbio #skulls #resin #resinart #seenoevil #hearnoevil #speaknoevil #skeleton #skull #glitter #sparkle #turquoise
#skeleton #skull #glitter #sparkle #turquoise #etsy #linkinbio #skulls #resin #resinart #seenoevil #hearnoevil #speaknoevil
Well, I finally watched this bastard.
I was not ready.
#horror #horrormovies #nowwatching #MoviesofMastodon #mastomovies #speaknoevil
#speaknoevil #mastomovies #moviesofmastodon #nowwatching #horrormovies #horror
Wired: AI Chatbots Got Big—and Their Ethical Red Flags Got Bigger #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/ArtificialIntelligence #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #neuralnetworks #deeplearning #SpeakNoEvil #algorithms #Microsoft #Business #bigdata #ChatGPT #Google #ethics
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #neuralnetworks #deeplearning #speaknoevil #algorithms #microsoft #bigdata #chatgpt #google #ethics
AI Chatbots Got Big—and Their Ethical Red Flags Got Bigger - Researchers have spent years warning that text-generation algorithms can spew bias and fa... - #business/artificialintelligence #speaknoevil #business
"Bisogna essere pronti per approcciarsi a Speak No Evil."
Se la nostra esperta di #horror inizia così un articolo potete star certi che il film in questione è da non perdere...
Recensione e analisi tutta da leggere con presenza di spoiler da metà in poi - ben segnalati, non preoccupatevi - a cura di Alessandra Vignocchi!
Trovate il film su Prime Video!
Se ve la sentite...
#horror #cinefacts #mastocinema #speaknoevil
The White Lotus, You People, Speak No Evil, Un matrimonio esplosivo, più tante news, un sacco di trailer e le Vostre Domandone!
In studio come sempre Teo e Paolo in compagnia di un gradito ritorno: il fotografo dei VIP, il cinefilo naturalista Pietro Baroni!
Trovate la puntata al link in bio, nelle stories, su Spotify e su tutte le piattaforme #podcast!
#cinefacts #mastocinema
#thewhitelotus #youpeople
#speaknoevil #shotgunwedding
#podcast #cinefacts #mastocinema #TheWhiteLotus #youpeople #speaknoevil #shotgunwedding
Just watched #SpeakNoEvil - worth the while if you can stomach it. It embarks on a horror deep end interpretation on the concept: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” & how far people endure in being nice in hope to avoid the worst.
Call me old fashioned but I'm not posting end of year lists before the end of the year, too much still to see. Even then, I'll be nowhere close to having seen all the #films / TV that I'd like.
Eg #HorrorMovies I've not yet seen #Pearl (not out in UK til next year), #BonesAndAll, #CrimesOfTheFuture, #Watcher, #SpeakNoEvil, #Resurrection, #Hatching, #YouWontBeAlone, #EnysMen... and I've seen loads of good horror, it's been a great year
#films #HorrorMovies #pearl #BonesAndAll #CrimesOfTheFuture #watcher #speaknoevil #resurrection #hatching #youwontbealone #enysmen
#SpeakNoEvil (rebaptisté #NeDisRien pour sa sortie française) maîtrise sa tension d'une main de maître : après des vacances ensemble, une famille hollandaise invite une famille danoise à passer un week-end chez eux. Mais les hôtes sont de plus en plus étranges...
A blogot úgy terveztem, hogy csak olyanról írok részletesebb beszámolót, amit feltétel nélkül tudok bárkinek ajánlani. A látogatás c. dán film után még nekem is meg kellene néznem 13 cukimacskás videót, hogy regenerálódjak, de mivel egyébként nem rossz alkotás, ezért a Mafabon írtam róla pár keresetlen szót. Akinek kötélből vannak az idegei, és érti a rendezői szándékot (az utóbbihoz nyújtok az írásban kapaszkodót), az egyszer mindenképp nézze meg:
#speaknoevil izledim. Allah belasını versin. Batılının dünya yansa konfor alaninda başına bir sey gelmeyeceğine inanması , medeniyet ve entelektüel ilişkilerin her derdine deva olacağını sanması sinirimizi bozuyor, gidip.kore filmlerindeki intikam öyküleriyle serinlemek istiyor insan. Sonuç itibariyle film dünden beri sinirimi alt üst etmiş durumda.