Roaring like a lion, but the sound falls on deaf ears 🦁🔇 Like sound in the vastness of space, my voice goes unheard. #RoaringSilence #UnheardVoices #SpeakOut
#roaringsilence #unheardvoices #speakout
I love this woman. 100 years old speaking out about the dangers of book banning.
#BannedBooks #BookBanning #SpeakOut #FreedomToRead
#bannedbooks #bookbanning #speakout #freedomtoread
[Automatic repost]
RT @dysphonia_intl: #WorldVoiceDay #speakout #voice #spasmodicdysphonia
#worldvoiceday #speakout #voice #spasmodicdysphonia
The GOP agenda: destroy Your Rights (using the 2nd Amendment as the diversionary, threat tactic), feed the Rich, Starve the Poor. What did Trump ever do for the Poor?: not one single thing except grift their few dollars. For the Rich?: make them richer.
#SpeakOut #DemocracyNow Expel Thomas from SCOTUS. #SpeakOut
It is up to all of us to defend open social networks and fight against those who seek to silence us. By speaking out and supporting free speech (even the freedom of those we fight), we can help ensure that everyone's voice is heard and that we can work together to create a more perfect and open world. #DefendFreeSpeech #SpeakOut #SocialJustice
#defendfreespeech #speakout #socialjustice
#DieForTheGovernment #AntiFlag
#NowPlaying #PunkRock #Activist #Music #FokGovernment ✊
#decolonize #FuckThePolice #FuckColonialism #FuckOffColonizers #Landback #StopRacism #StopInequity #SystematicRacism #SickSystem #RevolutionNOW #RiseUp #StandUp #SpeakOut #Activism #NoJusticeNoPeace #BeTheChange #GrowCourage #RagePower #Music #PoliticalPunk
#fuckthegovernment #dieforthegovernment #antiflag #nowplaying #punkrock #activist #music #fokgovernment #decolonize #fuckthepolice #FuckColonialism #fuckoffcolonizers #Landback #stopracism #stopinequity #SystematicRacism #sicksystem #revolutionnow #riseup #standup #speakout #activism #nojusticenopeace #bethechange #growcourage #ragepower #politicalpunk
The Constitution does not just protect Republicans and conservatives but until people stand up and say Republican governments can not restrict thought and speech it does not like and cannot ban legal, approved medical care it does not like it will get worse until they win in 2024 and take it national. Our Constitution will no longer matter unless you are white, christian, conservative and heterosexual. #LGBTQ #truth #standup #speakout
#lgbtq #truth #standup #speakout
Join me from 9pm for my interview, on Mens mental health listen on open circle radio #mentalhealth #speakout #talk #men #opencircleradio
#mentalhealth #speakout #talk #men #opencircleradio
This is happening today!
Stay tuned for issues, updates, unsheltered stories, injuries and more.
#NBAAllStar #Homeless #Unsheltered #MarchOfTheHomeless #ThisTentIsAHome #StopTheSweeps #WeThePeople #StandUp #SpeakOut #CareAboutPeopleAsMuchAsSports
#careaboutpeopleasmuchassports #speakout #standup #wethepeople #stopthesweeps #thistentisahome #marchofthehomeless #unsheltered #homeless #nbaallstar
Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once.
Manel Loureiro
#DisabilitySolidarity #DisabilityCommunity #DisabilityVoices #SpeakOut
#DisabilitySolidarity #disabilitycommunity #disabilityvoices #speakout
@donlemon I was shocked today to hear you say, in your discussion on Harry, that he should be silent about domestic violence. You said that one brother’s violence against another is private. I can’t believe you actually think this. Victims of DV have been silenced for far too long. #domesticviolence #speakout #domesticviolenceawareness
#domesticviolence #speakout #domesticviolenceawareness
@Noided @autismmemes We cannot allow autismsupsoc to continue their systematic misconduct and refusal to take responsibility. As members of the autistic community, we must stand for accountability and justice. autismsupsoc's actions do not reflect their stated goal of uniting the community, but rather contribute to division and bigotry. It's time for them to be held accountable. #speakout #justice
I absolutely love you, #BreneBrown....this makes my stomach tighten and tears well up in my eyes every time....❤️ 🔥 💪
ALL-IN, for better or worse.
#vulnerability #mentalhealth #courage #support #brave #maninthearena #speakout #leadership #leadbravely #mentalhealthmatters #purpose #inspiration #humanity
#support #brave #maninthearena #speakout #leadership #LeadBravely #mentalhealthmatters #purpose #inspiration #humanity #brenebrown #vulnerability #mentalhealth #Courage
I absolutely love you, #BreneBrown....this makes my stomach tighten and tears well up in my eyes every time....
ALL-IN, for better or worse.
#vulnerability #mentalhealth #courage #support #brave #maninthearena #speakout #leadership #leadbravely #mentalhealthmatters #purpose #inspiration #humanity
#brenebrown #vulnerability #mentalhealth #Courage #support #brave #maninthearena #speakout #leadership #LeadBravely #mentalhealthmatters #purpose #inspiration #humanity
Division - Ableism in the #DisabilityCommunity (Reboot)
Have you every had someone in your life not take you serseriously, because of your disability? Have they minimized, discredited or alleged thay you are confused, because they're the one not getting it?
Unfortunately , people with #InvisibleDisabilities can even experience #ableism from other persons with #disability. My symptoms have been greatly exacerbated by a recent situation like this. This post will not be very eloquent or profound today... simply put, I am not well. I usually bounce back very quickly but, I am also receiving some disturbing feed back about damaging discussions.
Misinformation is often a weapon of ableists, to silence complaints from people with IDs. How many with invisible disabilities have heard the following: "Don't listen to them, there are (insert ableist slur here), they don't know what they're doing".
Because one does not understand subtle humor, or deeper thought, does not make the speaker incompetent or confused. Sometimes it means the listener may not understand. Sometimes ableist #stigmatude regarding people with invisible disabilities creates the assumption as well; even within the disability community. It is hurtful and frustrating to the recipient. It can also be very damaging, to health and recovery. is a community for all but, for some ...?? Expressing ones opinion shouldn't result in censorship or stifling one's voice by those who have the power to do so. It should also not result in gossip, #exclusion and bashing. Accommodation is often demanded but, not afforded. Different #disabilities have different need for #accommodation.
One of my first toots was response to the handling of a situation. It basically said:
"Transparency and owning up are two of my favorite things. It also indicates exemplary leadership." Now, I'm not so sure.
#DisabilitySolidarity #TBI #ActuallyAutistic #BrainInjury #equality #darvo #lies
#IDR is #InvisibleDisabilityRights #LoveConquersAll #truth #BullDogAdvocate #SpeakOut #DisabilitySolidarity
#disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #ableism #disability #stigmatude #exclusion #disabilities #accommodation #DisabilitySolidarity #TBI #actuallyautistic #brainInjury #equality #darvo #lies #IDR #InvisibleDisabilityRights #loveconquersall #truth #bulldogadvocate #speakout
Feeling particularly festive this year. Glad to have survived Covid, get a new job and my family didn’t lose anyone this year. However, Big hugs and positive energy to those who aren’t as fortunate to have the same luck. Please know you are not alone, how you are feeling today may be temporary and people will miss you. #youmatter #muchlove #reachout #holidaysarehard #speakout #YouAreNotAlone
#youmatter #muchlove #reachout #holidaysarehard #speakout #youarenotalone
As Christ-followers we must defend the name of Christ. We must call out organizations, leaders, politicians & pastors who support or allow racism, white supremacy, bigotry, sexual abuse, victim shaming, money laundering, or aid/act in criminal activity. To turn a blind eye is to be complicit. #evangelicals #victims #christians #speakout #blackmastodon #bigotry #christiannationalism #whitesupremacy #pastors #leaders #trump
#evangelicals #victims #christians #speakout #blackmastodon #bigotry #ChristianNationalism #whitesupremacy #pastors #leaders #trump
I was speaking to a friend to day who really needs a lot of reassurance about stuff and sometimes so do I... I saw this and cried... I sent this to her and want other people to know this as well... #reason #beyourselfalways #speakout #alwaystalktosomeone
#alwaystalktosomeone #speakout #beyourselfalways #reason
And way down we go 🌊
#Columbus #LoupRiverCanal #Steps #KALEO #WayDownWeGo #Sunday #GoodMorning #Nebraska #BurnOut #Depression #TalkAboutIt #SpeakOut #HydroElectric #PowerPlant #Electric
#Columbus #louprivercanal #steps #kaleo #waydownwego #sunday #goodmorning #Nebraska #burnout #depression #talkaboutit #speakout #hydroelectric #powerplant #electric