Watching last night’s #RetroElectroWorkshop from Yesterday channel, and just heard that the #Commodore64 was one of the first #computers to have #cartridges for games. Erm …. no. Also the voiceover man keeps saying #gameConsole for the #Speccy and #C64 being worked on. And breathe … #Spectrum #ZXSpectrum #RetroComputing #80sComputing
#80scomputing #retrocomputing #zxspectrum #spectrum #c64 #speccy #gameconsole #cartridges #computers #commodore64 #retroelectroworkshop
@MascarellDiego algún día llegará mí turno de ser el orgulloso dueño de un #Speccy #ElGomas y todo será felicidad y gratitud ...
Someday I'll own a #ZXSpectrum and the two manuals that came with it (the spanish version) and I'll read books on Basic and enter long lists of Basic code and the sun will shine and I'll be happy!
Algún día ...
#zxspectrum #speccy #elgomas #zx_spectrum #retrocomputing
#AussieRulesFootball has a strict concussion protocol but it's a rough sport and there's no way that players aren't getting hurt. I love a well played #speccy as much as the next #AussieRules fan but it might be time for the game - and all pro sports - to look at ways to tone down risky play.
#aussierulesfootball #speccy #aussierules
The best music disk / album I heard on a 1 bit Speccy beeper so far. It’s using 9 sub engines and switches between them seamlessly. Amazing job! #speccy #zxspectrum #retrocomputimg #chiptune #chiptunemusic
#chiptunemusic #chiptune #retrocomputimg #zxspectrum #speccy
The best music disk / album I heard on a 1 bit Speccy beeper so far. An entirely CPU driven approach to audio (no audio chip ;). It’s using 9 sub engines and switches between them seamlessly. Amazing job! #speccy #zxspectrum #retrocomputing #chiptune #chiptunemusic
#RetroComputing #chiptunemusic #chiptune #zxspectrum #speccy
Today's update to Meanie Golf fixes the joystick issue and a bit of a screen flipping issue on original hardware .. (thanks to RetroHitch)
#ZXSpectrum #Speccy #RetroComputing #HappyBirthdayZXSpectrum
#zxspectrum #speccy #retrocomputing #happybirthdayzxspectrum
JUST RELEASED! Meanie Golf! An 18 hole mini golf course for your Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer (or emulator)! - $1.99 on -> #RetroComputing #ZXSpectrum #Speccy
#retrocomputing #zxspectrum #speccy
ZX Spectrum nerds! I might have a notebook for you 🌈
#speccy #spectrum #sinclair #retrocomputing #zxpectrum
"Makin' games like it's 1986!"
I made some cover art for my ZX Spectrum mini golf game! Meanie Golf should be out sometime this week..🤞 .. here's a gameplay video I just chucked on YouTube #ZXSpectrum #RetroComputing #Speccy
#zxspectrum #retrocomputing #speccy
Anyone for ZX Spectrum mini-golf? 😎 #ZXSpectrum #RetroComputing #Speccy
#zxspectrum #retrocomputing #speccy
Mientras, me conformaré con esto…
#video #NGo #ManuFerHi #ZXSpectrumNext #Sinclair #Spectrum #Speccy
#video #ngo #manuferhi #zxspectrumnext #sinclair #Spectrum #speccy
Jack Dragon for ZX Spectrum is alive! Hope people enjoy it. There's a 48k version and a 128k version with an AY tune. It's $1.99 USD and it's live on Itch! #ZXSpectrum #RetroComputing #Speccy
#zxspectrum #retrocomputing #speccy
And here you'll find the video guide of the whole process. Just in case you don't feel like reading and would rather take a look at how the whole thing was done.
#ZXSpectrum #Sinclair #Speccy #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #MicroComputers #HomeComputers
#zxspectrum #sinclair #speccy #retrocomputing #retrogaming #microcomputers #homecomputers
I don't even know how I came across this but I'm pretty positive that this has to be the closest you can get to owning a brand new #ZXSpectrum (with some included improvements)
This extremely talented individual recreated the whole thing, from PCB board to styrofoam, manuals and cardboard box, with brand new materials!
This has to be the best #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Speccy #MicroComputer #HomeComputer endeavor and huge success I've seen to date.
#zxspectrum #retrocomputing #retrogaming #speccy #microcomputer #homecomputer
Coming soon to your ZX Spectrum home computer! Jack Dragon. Enjoy Bomb Jack inspired arcade fun from the creator of Chopper Defence and co-creator of Gherbert Groundhog. "Only 40 years too late!" #RetroComputing #ZXSpectrum #Speccy
#retrocomputing #zxspectrum #speccy
Coming soon to your ZX Spectrum home computer! Jack Dragon. Enjoy Bomb Jack inspired arcade fun from the creator of Chopper Defence and co-creator of Gherbert Groundhog. "Only 40 years too late!" #RetroComputing #ZXSpectrum #Speccy
#retrocomputing #zxspectrum #speccy
Here's the title Screen for Baby-man VS Nappy Bird #ZXSpectrum #Babyman #Nappybird #game #retrogame #brandnewretro #speccy #fun #puttycad #100tinsoldiers #pixelart #gamedev #indiedev #retrodev COMING SOON!
#zxspectrum #babyman #nappybird #game #retrogame #brandnewretro #speccy #fun #puttycad #100tinsoldiers #pixelart #gamedev #indiedev #retrodev
Here's a little game for the ZX Spectrum I've been working on.. Jack Dragon! Yeah, it's pretty much a Bomb Jack clone really. I have a few ideas I want to try out before I call it done, mind! 🤔 #RetroComputing #ZXSpectrum #Speccy
#retrocomputing #zxspectrum #speccy