I'm looking for an #author to kick off a monthly interview series when I get the new site launched.
Someone who is ready to get a little silly or a little geeky while still getting a chance to promote their work.
#WritingCommunity All #SpecFic genre writers welcome
Any takers?
#author #writingcommunity #specfic
Power Armor for Poltergeists! is now also available as a paperback! #author #writer #specfic
Early bird registration ends soon! I’m teaching a class for aspiring science fiction and fantasy writers at the Writers Grotto in San Francisco, Saturday afternoons from Sep. 16 to Oct. 14.
Pass it on if you know anyone who might be interested!
#ScienceFiction #scifi #sff #BayArea #SpecFic #SanFrancisco #fantasy #ShortStory
#sciencefiction #scifi #sff #bayarea #specfic #sanfrancisco #fantasy #shortstory
My new story, "Power Armor for Poltergeists!" is now out on Amazon! #writer #author #specfic
Sometimes I write ✍️
I have a collection of short stories, on Smashwords: [100 words](https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1058931). This is a collection of 100 word stories.
I like writing shorts because I can fit them in. I’ve expanded to a 200 word limit these days, and at some point in the next couple of years, I will probably release a sequel. It will be called 200 words, naturally.
#writing #specfic #horrorwriting #bookstodon #scifi
Very nearly finished one of the #ShortStories I’m #writing - I just don’t know exactly how it ends. It’s so annoying when all I need to #write is a few sentences, but I just don’t know what they are.
#ShortStory #WritingProcess #WritingCommunity #SpeculativeFiction #SpecFic #WritersBlock #WritersOfMastodon
#shortstories #writing #write #shortstory #writingprocess #writingcommunity #speculativefiction #specfic #writersblock #writersofmastodon
Did you somehow, completely inexplicably, miss the in person performance of my new audio play The Lost And The Living?
Well FEAR NOT, for you can join the virtual audience here with the 'listen again' function on the Chapel FM website.
I'll be interested to hear your comments and thoughts about the story of Harriet and Violet, and their efforts to guide people safely to the afterlife.
#SpecFic #AudioPlay #RadioPlay #Accessibility #Podcast #PodFiction
#podfiction #Podcast #Accessibility #radioplay #AudioPlay #specfic
Have you read?
The Time Bureau Came to Careers Day
by Sarah Jackson
at Strange Horizons?
A poem about your personal past and time travel.
@gg @lastrobot@mastodon.online @lastrobot@wandering.shop @pjohanneson I edit indie fiction, mostly #SpecFic and #HistFic, but also #Romance, #Horror, and #Paranormal. When I'm posting about projects, I use #AmEditing. My personal hashtags are #GUMmyStuff (grammar, usage, and mechanics) and #SpellcheckCannotSaveYou. Link to my site is in my bio. Thanks for this opportunity!
#specfic #histfic #romance #horror #paranormal #amediting #gummystuff #spellcheckcannotsaveyou
My short story, “Blood Stone”, is available to read for free as of today, in Issue 7 of Tree And Stone Magazine. This issue is full of pieces by incredibly talented speculative fiction writers, so you should definitely pick up a copy. It’s free!
#horror #fantasy #specfic #writingcommunity #writing
Every month, we do this cool thing on Liminal Fiction (LimFic.com) to support indie writers. We share 4 of their books with our readers for free, and then add those readers (only with permission) to the author lists. It's a great way to get some new reads, "meet" a few up and coming authors, and forge new connections. :)
May's books are below. Grab 'em here (we send them out around the 3rd of next month):
#bookstodon #bookbundle #books #freebies #giveaway #specfic
Riffing off of today's writer fuel, what are your fave spec fic stories dealing with mass extinctions? Writers, what have you written?
##Reader #Readers #Discussion #WritersofMastodon #Writers #Authors #Writer #Author #SpecFic #MassExtinctions
#massextinctions #specfic #author #writer #authors #writers #writersofmastodon #discussion #readers #reader
What are your fave stories blending spec fic genres in unexpected ways?
#Reader #Readers #Discussion #WritersofMastodon #Writers #Authors #Writer #Author #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Paranormal #Horror #Fantasy #SpecFic #SpeculativeFiction #MashUp
#mashup #speculativefiction #specfic #fantasy #horror #paranormal #sciencefiction #scifi #author #writer #authors #writers #writersofmastodon #discussion #readers #reader
Every month, we do this cool thing on Liminal Fiction (LimFic.com) to support indie writers. We share 4 of their books with our readers for free, and then add those readers (only with permission) to the author lists. It's a great way to get some new reads, "meet" a few up and coming authors, and forge new connections. :)
May's books are below. Grab 'em here (we send them out around the 3rd of next month):
#bookstodon #bookbundle #books #freebies #giveaway #specfic
Morning, @haldecraft! You need to connect with @lj, who is also a ceramicist and #specfic writer!
Water Into Wine:
Space opera, but experienced through the eyes of ordinary people. And a vineyard.
#nonbinary #trans #specfic #bookstodon
Looking for #specfic #kidlit #ya writers from #Singapore.
I know you folks are around lah.
#specfic #kidlit #ya #singapore
When I write speculative settings, especially shorter pieces, I'm sure to use relatable things from now, even if I have to transform them for, say, a story set on a space ship. People still eat, entertain themselves, and socialize.
I've also extrapolated the near future and tried not to screw up . . .
#Writephant #WritersofMastodon #SpecFic #sff #AmWriting #writingcommunity
#writephant #writersofmastodon #specfic #sff #amwriting #writingcommunity
#Writephant Q2: If you write speculative settings, how do you incorporate or exempt your settings from the real world and our history?
#Writephant #WritersofMastodon #SpecFic #SFFH #AmWriting #WritingCommunity
#writephant #writersofmastodon #specfic #sffh #amwriting #writingcommunity