If you're using #Cucumber (or #Behat or #Behave or #SpecFlow or #GoDog etc.) for #agile #testing, please fill out this very quick survey:
It's designed to help us validate some assumptions about our users.
Please share it with your friends, colleagues and clients!
#cucumber #behat #behave #specflow #godog #agile #testing
Woo hoo! My contribution to bring #Arm64 support is merged into main for #specflow! Next release should include the #VisualStudio extension, or you can install it from their CI Build on the Github repo.
#arm64 #specflow #visualstudio
I spent the morning integrating the #mailsac API into some c# #SpecFlow tests and was very impressed at how simple and powerful it was.
Am especially loving how simple it is to set up and tear down new email accounts (as obviously I want my #tests to be autonomous and not be getting unexpected mails when other tests execute at the same time). Always like mornings spent learning (even after over 20+ years in the game)..
Afternoon, hope everyone's having a great Monday
First day back at work today for me after a week off (half term).. so am struggling to get back up to speed..
Before I even got to work, though, the week off a shaky start as my loyal exercise bike broke after 8 years of loyal service.. need to sort a replacement..
Things have since improved, as I am helping out with automation and getting into #Specflow today..