#Democrats are drastically overperforming in 2023's #specialelections. Is it a clue for #Biden vs. #Trump?
#democrats #specialelections #biden #trump
Jennifer McClellan Wins in Virginia and
Will Be State’s First Black Woman in Congress
Jennifer McClellan, a veteran Democratic state senator, won a special election for Virginia’s Fourth Congressional District on Tuesday.
#JenniferMcClellan #Virginia #VirginiaDems #FirstBlackWoman #DemsABroad #GlobalBlackCaucus #VoteFromAbroad #BlackVotesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackRepresentaionMatters #SpecialElections
#jennifermcclellan #virginia #virginiadems #firstblackwoman #demsabroad #globalblackcaucus #votefromabroad #blackvotesmatter #blacklivesmatter #blackrepresentaionmatters #specialelections
The DNC needs your help making calls to voters in Pennsylvania ahead of the State House Special Election.
#PA #DNC #PhoneBank #SpecialElections #Elections2023 #Democrats
#pa #dnc #phonebank #specialelections #elections2023 #democrats
#Virginia voters! You have three special elections TOMORROW, TUESDAY, JAN 10th!
Vote for Aaron Rouse, Jade Harris, Holly Seibold!
#VABeach #FairfaxCounty #SpecialElections #SpecialElection
#DemCast #DemCastVA #Harris4VA #PostcardsToVoters #VoteBlueVA #RouseForSenate
#JadeHarris4VA #Siebold4VA #NorfolkVA #BuenaVistaVA #LexingtonVA #AugustaCountyVA #BathCountyVA #RockbridgeCountyVA #AmherstCountyVA #ViennaVA #OaktonVA
#virginia #vabeach #fairfaxcounty #specialelections #specialelection #DemCast #DemCastVA #harris4va #postcardstovoters #voteblueva #rouseforsenate #jadeharris4va #siebold4va #norfolkva #buenavistava #lexingtonva #augustacountyva #bathcountyva #rockbridgecountyva #amherstcountyva #viennava #oaktonva
Warnock, Walker: Starkly different choices for Black voters https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-herschel-walker-college-football-sports-49815bbbd5d99540bed016c39d84040d #GeorgiaBulldogsfootball #Governmentandpolitics #2022Midtermelections #Raceandethnicity #Specialelections #Collegefootball #Racialinjustice #HerschelWalker #APTopNews #Elections #U.S.News #Religion #Congress #Georgia #Atlanta #Sports
#sports #atlanta #georgia #congress #religion #u #elections #aptopnews #HerschelWalker #racialinjustice #collegefootball #specialelections #raceandethnicity #2022midtermelections #governmentandpolitics #georgiabulldogsfootball
@nevar23 It sure is! Want to sign up now? #SpecialElections happen all year long.
Text JOIN to 484-275-2229. You’ll be prompted to get started writing, so you need postcards or index cards to begin. #PostcardsToVoters
#specialelections #postcardstovoters