I was on the Anna Jinja Show on KHOI radio yesterday, talking about my children's books to help children to understand foster care, kinship care and adoption! I find it absolutely wild that I can be on a radio show in Iowa, while at home in the UK! Go technology! Thanks for having me on the show, Anna!
#adoption #adoptiontalk #fostercare #fostering #kinshipcare #specialguardianship
#adoption #adoptiontalk #fostercare #fostering #kinshipcare #specialguardianship
🏅 Delighted that "Room in the Nest" just won the #LiteraryTitan Gold Book Award! 🏅
"Room in the Nest" is an #inclusive story of #fostering, reunification, #kinshipcare & #adoption, that can be used to explain the #Family Court system, the role of #socialworkers & different types of #fostercare.
Available from Amazon 😊
#socialwork #kinshipawarenessmonth #kinshipcareawareness #specialguardianship #adoptionsupportuk #adoptionuk #fosterfamily #fostercarer #fosterparent #socialworktoolkit #books
#literarytitan #inclusive #fostering #kinshipcare #adoption #family #socialworkers #fostercare #socialwork #kinshipawarenessmonth #kinshipcareawareness #specialguardianship #adoptionsupportuk #adoptionuk #fosterfamily #fostercarer #fosterparent #socialworktoolkit #books
If you're
✅ an #adopter with biological & adoptive children
✅ a #fostercarer with bio children
✅ a #kinshipcarer with bio children
✅ a parent of bio children, looking to adopt, foster or become a kinship carer
...join our supportive community on Facebook!
#adoption #specialguardianship #fostercare #kinshipcare #adoptionafterbirth #adoptingafterbirth #adoptingwithbirthchildren #fosteringwithbirthchildren #socialwork #socialworktoolkit #socialworkresources #socialworker
#adopter #fostercarer #kinshipcarer #adoption #specialguardianship #fostercare #kinshipcare #adoptionafterbirth #adoptingafterbirth #adoptingwithbirthchildren #fosteringwithbirthchildren #socialwork #socialworktoolkit #socialworkresources #socialworker
It's #worldsocialworkday and I can't think of anything more appropriate I could be doing today! I'm off to the UK's biggest #socialwork convention to talk to #socialworkers about how to talk to children about #fostercare, #specialguardianship and #adoption! I'll be talking about how to go beyond the #lifestorybook when doing #lifestorywork and how to talk to other children in the #family and support network, about adoption, #fostering and #kinshipcare.
#worldsocialworkday #socialwork #socialworkers #fostercare #specialguardianship #adoption #lifestorybook #lifestorywork #family #fostering #kinshipcare
Zoe's World Book Day costume is... Herself, as featured in "Adopting a Little Brother or Sister" by... Us! 🤣
The big sister character in this story was strongly based on Zoe, and she illustrated the book, so it's very close to our hearts 🥰
#worldbookday2023 #wbd #worldbookday #socialworkmonth #socialworkmonth2023 #socialworker #adoption #fostering #fostercare #kinshipcare #specialguardianship #therapeuticparenting #childrensbooks #inclusivebooks #booksbooksbooks #adoptionresources
#worldbookday2023 #wbd #worldbookday #socialworkmonth #socialworkmonth2023 #socialworker #adoption #fostering #fostercare #kinshipcare #specialguardianship #therapeuticparenting #childrensbooks #inclusivebooks #booksbooksbooks #adoptionresources
Fab chat with some #kinshipcarers & #specialguardians with AdoptLondonWest today! I talked through how my #books can help normalise different #family structures & explain #adoption, #fostercare, #kinshipcare & the role of a judge in #childprotection.
If you're in #socialwork or part of a #supportgroup for #kinshipfamilies, adopters, or #fostercarers, I'd love to talk to your group! 😊
#kinshipcarer #specialguardian #specialguardianship #fostercarer #fosterfamily #socialworker #lovemakesafamily
#kinshipcarers #specialguardians #books #family #adoption #fostercare #kinshipcare #childprotection #socialwork #supportgroup #kinshipfamilies #fostercarers #kinshipcarer #specialguardian #specialguardianship #fostercarer #fosterfamily #socialworker #lovemakesafamily
*Happy dance*
The new "sibling group edition" of my #adoption & #fostercare book, "Delly Duck," is now on Amazon, as requested 😊
#adoptsiblings #adoptingsiblings #siblingadoption #adoptsiblinggroups #siblinggroup #siblinggroupadoption #adoptingtwins #twinadoption #adopttwins #twinsadoption #keepsiblingstogether #siblings #twins #AdoptionAwarenessMonth #fostering #fosterfamily #specialguardian #specialguardianship #grandparenting #kinshipfamily #kinshipcare #socialwork #socialworktoolkit
#adoption #fostercare #adoptsiblings #adoptingsiblings #siblingadoption #adoptsiblinggroups #siblinggroup #siblinggroupadoption #adoptingtwins #twinadoption #adopttwins #twinsadoption #keepsiblingstogether #siblings #twins #adoptionawarenessmonth #fostering #fosterfamily #specialguardian #specialguardianship #grandparenting #kinshipfamily #kinshipcare #socialwork #socialworktoolkit
My books. I hope they help you!
#fostering #fostercare #kinshipcare #adoption #familycourt #socialworkers #socialworker #socialworklife #socialworkersrock #socialworkreadinglist #socialworkreads #kinshipcareawareness #specialguardianship #kinshipfamily #grandfamily #adoptionuk #adoptioncommunity #specialguardianship #grandparentcaregivers #fosterfamily #fostercarer #fostermama #fosterparent #LGBTParenting #lgbtqparents #socialworktoolkit #playtherapy #adoptionmonth #AdoptionAwarenessMonth
#fostering #fostercare #kinshipcare #adoption #familycourt #socialworkers #socialworker #socialworklife #socialworkersrock #socialworkreadinglist #socialworkreads #kinshipcareawareness #specialguardianship #kinshipfamily #grandfamily #adoptionuk #adoptioncommunity #grandparentcaregivers #fosterfamily #fostercarer #fostermama #fosterparent #lgbtparenting #lgbtqparents #socialworktoolkit #playtherapy #adoptionmonth #adoptionawarenessmonth