Zorro · @zorrobandito
203 followers · 1261 posts · Server aus.social

A couple of big rides over the last two days: Out west to the Cotter and then south to Tidbinbilla with brunch in Tuggers at Two Before Ten after following a single-track path along the Murrumbidgee river. Good ride: 80km, 1085m climbing.

Today we went out to Googong Dam, battling consistent headwinds and lots more hills! Brunch at Ma Ma Dumplings at the Fyshwick Markets!
66km, 966m climbing.

That's 200km for the week and 2600m of climbing. I'm having tomorrow off!

#cycling #cyclecanberra #biketooter #bikesleaningonshit #canberra #bikecanberra #specializedroubaix #specializedbikes #googong

Last updated 1 year ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
177 followers · 1116 posts · Server aus.social
Zorro · @zorrobandito
142 followers · 855 posts · Server aus.social

A big ride out south, towards Tidbinbilla, and I rode a couple of sections I've never done before - visiting the tracking station and a ride around the nature reserve.

It was a great ride on a beautiful autumn day here in the ACT - mist on the river and clinging to the high slopes, sunshine in a big, open sky and a light, cool breeze. It's good to be alive!

#ridebikesbehappy #ridecanberra #bikecanberra #cyclecanberra #specializedroubaix #specializedbikes #tidbinbillanaturereserve #tidbinbillatrackingstation #bikesleaningonshit #bikephotography #cycling

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph Anthony · @josephanthony2
2 followers · 2 posts · Server urbanists.social
Zorro · @zorrobandito
141 followers · 831 posts · Server aus.social

Yesterday, two friends and I rode in the Snowy Classic - a 110km (1650m climbing), closed road event in Jindabyne in the Australian Snowy Mountains. It's a beautiful spot at this time of year, up and down hills and through some classic Australian country towns like Berridale and Dalgety.

This is the second year of the event and my second ride. The 110km is testing but not terribly difficult for me, except for a massive difficulty spike at the 82km mark in the form of a monstrous hill called Beloka - average gradient 9.4% but some sections are 20%!

From Cycling Australia: "Short, sharp and brutal, Beloka is one of Australia’s most feared and revered cycling climbs."

Last year, Beloka beat me (I got off and caught my breath and then got back on) and I was resigned to more of the same because it's tricky to train for such an incongruously difficult climb. However, with the Tasmania trip, a year's worth of consistent riding (150km / week) under my belt and a very generous helping of resolve, I did it!

It's a great ride and is very well run like all the Classics events. I'll be back again next year to re-test my mettle against Beloka.

#cycling #ridebikesbehappy #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #snowyclassic #beloka #jindabyne #snowymountains

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
137 followers · 815 posts · Server aus.social

Tasmania Bike Tour - Launceston to Hobart - Notes & Observations

Three friends and I recently flew to Tasmania and embarked on an unsupported, 6 day, 510km ride from the northern city of Launceston, along the east coast, to the state's southern Hobart. We broke the riding up, a little unevenly, across the six days, depending on the accommodation availability. Large stretches of the coast are sparsely populated, so riding between population centres needed to be a factor.

It was a brilliant trip that, with a little tweaking, worked very well and gave us a good look at Tasmania, with some great riding and some fun stops. Below are my notes and observations for my own, future reference and possibly for others planning a similar trip.

Overall, the trip was 7 days:

* Land and set up on day 0
* Then ride days 1-6
* Leave late on day 7

I had planned to ride about 590km with 6600m of climbing but, for various reasons, we actually rode 510km and 6100m of elevation.

Accommodation was $2000 between the four of us, sharing rooms and even, on one occasion, beds!
Flights were normal cost and the bikes came in under the 23kg of checked in luggage allowed, so no extra baggage fees.

Bikes were packed into bike boxes which can be obtained at the airport (probably) or from local bike shops for free.

Things to consider: (see comments below)

#cycling #bikepacking #tasmania #ridebikesbehappy #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #biketouring

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
136 followers · 805 posts · Server aus.social

My first trip to Tasmania is a 500km bike ride from Launceston to Hobart along the east coast. Three friends and I packed enough clothing and gear for the six day trip and are staying in the various towns along the way.

We've just finished day 3 in the lovely port town of St Helens and thoroughly enjoying the relatively independent travel, the exploration and adaptability required for a trip like this.

Tasmania's weather, infamously inclement, has been generous with cool, cosy days with low wind.

Tomorrow is on to Binencho and Coles Bay, riding along the coast, so we'll see what that brings...

#biketooter #cycling #bikepacking #bikepackinglife #tasmania #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
125 followers · 703 posts · Server aus.social

At 888m, Mount Majura is the North Canberra's highest peak.

Unlike Mount Ainslie it is inaccessible by car. You can walk up the various paths but they are only suitable for MTBs (and even then, only on the Centenary trail), but there is an access road, secured at the bottom by a locked gate. Lift your bike over and you're off! It's one of inner Canberra's tougher climbs but, after hitting Mount Ainslie first this morning, it seemed 'easier'. It's an unrelenting 2.8km climb with an average grade of 8%.

At the top is a radar installation for the local airport as well as some spectacular views!

After the two climbs, I then headed north to Gunghalin and Belconnen before heading home. Distance: 100km, elevation 1240m.

#cycling #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #canberra #ridecanberra #biketooter

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
124 followers · 684 posts · Server aus.social

Anyway, early starts and early finishes seemed wise when the forecast was > 30°c. The early morning light made for some nice pictures around the city.

Because of the hot weather, we eschewed distance for hills.

Saturday was Mount Ainslie and Mount Pleasant and Sunday was Black Mountain and Dairy Farmer's Hill.

Mount Ainslie is widely regarded as the most difficult climb in the city and with good reason - the last 30% is the most difficult with sections at 13%. It's broken me before (and one derailleur hanger) but I'm happy to report a PB was achieved.

Black Mountain is the inverse, with the first section (up to 15%) pretty tough but after that it's just a case of grinding it out.

#cycling #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #canberra #googong #biketooter

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
116 followers · 624 posts · Server aus.social

The Adventures of Minty.

Two big rides in the heat this weekend.

Out to Googong on Saturday only to find the road to the dam closed due to "adverse conditions". An hour's burbing ensued.

Distance: 71.3 km | Elev Gain: 776m

Then, on Sunday, a Cotter-Uriarra Loop with the End of Bitumen, Brindabella Road, thrown in.

Distance: 78.24 km | Elev Gain: 1,180

It was warm - not crazy warm - but too warm for riding pushbikes up hills!

#cycling #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #canberra #googong #biketooter

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
116 followers · 624 posts · Server aus.social

The Adventures of Minty.

Two big rides in the heat this weekend.

Out to Googong on Saturday only to find the road to the dam closed due to "adverse conditions". An hour's burbing ensued.

Distance: 71.3 km | Elev Gain: 776m

Then, on Sunday, a Cotter-Uriarra Loop with the End of Bitumen, Brindabella Road, thrown in.

Distance: 78.24 km | Elev Gain: 1,180

It was warm - not crazy warm - but too warm for riding pushbikes up hills!

#cycling #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #canberra #googong

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
115 followers · 612 posts · Server aus.social
Zorro · @zorrobandito
115 followers · 603 posts · Server aus.social

The Cotter-Uriarra Loop is a big favourite with cyclists in and it's been a while...

It's a challenging combination of distance and climbing on good quality, quiet roads where cyclists are, if not welcome, then expected and tolerated.

I managed to get a few PBs on the ride which is a nice confirmation of fitness progress.

#canberra #cycling #cotteruriarraloop #strava #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
113 followers · 569 posts · Server aus.social

More coastal riding adventures. With an added bonus - houses on parachutes!

#cycling #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #eurobodalla #batemansbay

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
109 followers · 505 posts · Server aus.social

How good are cool summer mornings?!

Normally, at this time of year in Canberra, I'm up with the dawn trying to beat the heat. I ride my bike all year round but it's usually summer that proves the most challenging.

This weekend had overnight temps of 10° and I got amongst it, clocking up > 120km.

As I understand it, climatologists are predicting a return to 'normal' weather next year, so I'll just enjoy it while I can.

#cycling #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #canberra #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
101 followers · 471 posts · Server aus.social

While staying in Sydney's Hawkesbury region, I went for a NYE ride to the Colo River. An early start on a humid day, I was entranced by the cicada noise and stopped to listen properly.

They 'pulsed' through the bush in waves of thousands. My short video tries to capture it.

The ride itself was a relatively simple descent but a 30 min sweaty slog back out!

[Edit: didn't realise you can't mix media types on a post.]

#cycling #gravelrider #gravelbike #sydney #hawkesbury #australianbush #Cicadas #specializedroubaix #specializedbikes

Last updated 2 years ago

Homestead-ish Beks · @starsandbones
7 followers · 20 posts · Server universeodon.com

Day 2/42
Got my tire changed over for the and brought inside. 35 minutes to break that in and test the setup.
42 days is twice as long as they say it takes to form a habit. So….I’m hoping these habits might stick twice as long as they usually do. 🤓

#trainer #bike #cyclocross #basementcardio #tricross #specializedbikes #usewhatyougot

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
31 followers · 193 posts · Server aus.social

A Friday Fun Ride took a turn into the wilderness as we explored Mulligan's Flat Nature Reserve and beyond. The reserve sits almost on the territory's border and we hit the gravel and followed the border fence.

It was great to get away from the sound of traffic and see some of the curious wildlife who were wondering what we were doing it there on roadbikes!

#cycling #specializedbikes #specializedroubaix #canberra

Last updated 2 years ago

Scott McMillan · @Scott_HFX
33 followers · 46 posts · Server mstdn.ca

Golden tamaracks and a low sun on this morning's ride.

#whereiride #specializedbikes #cycling #novascotia

Last updated 2 years ago