Members of the Alameda Police Department, led by Chief Nishant Joshi, will carry the “Flame of Hope” through the City of Alameda in support of Northern California Special Olympic Athletes. This year, APD has already raised more than $1,500 to support 14 athletes for a whole sports season.
#apd #sports #alameda #ApdChiefNishantJoshi #SpecialOlympicsNorthernCalifornia #NorthernCaliforniaSLawEnforcementTorchRun
#apd #sports #alameda #apdchiefnishantjoshi #specialolympicsnortherncalifornia #northerncaliforniaslawenforcementtorchrun
The Alameda Islanders bring home the gold—and the silver! The Islanders claimed 13 gold medals and 4 silver medals at the Special Olympics Northern California Swimming Regional on May 13.
#alameda #KiwanisClub #SpecialOlympics #AlamedaIslanders #AlamedaFireDepartment #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation #SpecialOlympicsNorthernCalifornia #SpecialOlympicsNorthernCaliforniaSwimmingRegional
#alameda #kiwanisclub #specialolympics #alamedaislanders #alamedafiredepartment #alamedakiwanisfoundation #specialolympicsnortherncalifornia #specialolympicsnortherncaliforniaswimmingregional