What is”love” exactly. The #LoveHaiku answers that question. Beautiful and ethereal. Enjoy! (Page 9)
#mockingowlroost #lovehaiku #marchpenn #specialpoetryissue #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #haiku #haikupoetry
(Picture is of a out-of-focus castle with blue sky)
#lovehaiku #mockingowlroost #marchpenn #specialpoetryissue #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #haiku #haikupoetry
Call for Submissions! - Open Blog, and final period for submitting to the Poetry Issue of 2023 #mockingowlroost #submissions #blog #specialpoetryissue #poetry #fiction #creativenonfiction #art #lyrics #spokenwordpoetry #photography
#mockingowlroost #submissions #blog #specialpoetryissue #poetry #fiction #CreativeNonfiction #art #lyrics #spokenwordpoetry #photography
Beautiful artwork will always make the night sparkle. Enjoy! (Pages 7,22,30)#artcollection #mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #cynthiayachtman #covidart
(Picture is 3 different pictures abstract)
#mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #cynthiayachtman #covidart
This poem was inspired by the life of the Dakota territorial justice, Wilmot Wood Brookings. It is beautiful, and haunting. Enjoy! (Page 26) #mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #theterritorialjusticesdissent #DonnaKathrynKelly #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
(Picture is a green background with a man walking and one riding a horse.)
#mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #theterritorialjusticesdissent #donnakathrynkelly #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
Call for Submissions! - Open for the April issue of 2023, Unknown & Unseen AND final period for submitting to the Poetry Issue of 2023 #mockingowlroost #OpenSubmissions #unknownandunseen #specialpoetryissue #fiction #poetry #creativenonfiction #art #photography #lyrics
(Picture is of colorful background with green blocks of color with white words on them. There is a black border.)
#mockingowlroost #opensubmissions #unknownandunseen #specialpoetryissue #fiction #poetry #CreativeNonfiction #art #photography #lyrics
Call for Submissions! - Open for the April issue of 2023, Unknown & Unseen AND final period for submitting to the Poetry Issue of 2023!
The submission window for both Magazines will close 12/31!
The submission guidelines link is posted below.
Hope to see you in the Roost!🦉
(Picture contains words on a pink background, with faded grey trees and ground)
#mockingowlroost #OpenSubmissions #unknownandunseen #specialpoetryissue
#mockingowlroost #opensubmissions #unknownandunseen #specialpoetryissue
Open submissions are going on now until December 31st for the Quarterly Issue “Unknown & Unseen, AND the 2023 Special Poetry Issue. Be sure to submit your work before time escapes, and the deadline passes. Hope to see you in the Roost! 🦉 #quarterlyissue #specialpoetryissue #fiction #creativenonfiction #poetry #art #photography #lyrics #scripts
#quarterlyissue #specialpoetryissue #fiction #CreativeNonfiction #poetry #art #photography #lyrics #scripts
Friday night is the perfect time to enjoy beautiful artwork. Ira Joel Haber’s work “Untitled” Off04 brightens even the darkest night. The butterflies brought me such joy. I hope they do the same for you. (Pages 14-15) #mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #art #irajoelhaber
(Picture is part of the artwork, surrounded by a green border)
#mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #art #irajoelhaber
Today is the first day for Open submissions for the Mockingowl Roost Magazine’s April 2023 issue of “Unknown and Unseen” AND the final submission period for the 2023 Special Poetry Issue. Submissions will close for the magazines on Dec 31st, so get your submissions into us ASAP. #mockingowlroost #issues #unknownandunseen #specialpoetryissue #mockingowlroostmagazine #writingcommunity #fiction #nonfiction #poetry #interviews #art #lyrics #photography
#mockingowlroost #issues #unknownandunseen #specialpoetryissue #mockingowlroostmagazine #writingcommunity #fiction #nonfiction #poetry #interviews #art #lyrics #photography
What better way to end the month than with beautiful artwork. Please enjoy Jeffery Spahr Summers’ piece entitled ”24Hours” from our #specialpoetryissue. (Page 55) #art #Jefferyspahrsummers #24hours #mockingowlroost
#specialpoetryissue #art #jefferyspahrsummers #24hours #mockingowlroost
Poetry to start the weekend off right? Yes please! Enjoy! ( page 12) #mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #devotionals #gerardsarnat #poetry #writingcommunity
#mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #devotionals #gerardsarnat #poetry #writingcommunity #poetrycommunity
The perfect way to start your weekend is with poetry. (Pg49) Enjoy! #YetHereYouAre #ritamockpike #mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #poetry
#yethereyouare #ritamockpike #mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #poetry
You never know when you will need to call. It may surprise you. ( page 11) #mockingowlroost #TheCall #specialpoetryissue #suecook #poetry #mystical #lovecraftian
(Picture is of a creature behind various shades of red)
#mockingowlroost #thecall #specialpoetryissue #suecook #poetry #mystical #lovecraftian
Poetry is on the menu for Thanksgiving Eve. #MoodSwings by #susancarberry fits the order. Enjoy! (Page 52) #mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #poetry
(Picture is a moon over the plains)
#moodswings #susancarberry #mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #poetry
John Muro is considered to be a eminent poet of the 21st century. This poem, Walk In Early Winter, from his book, Pastoral Suite, feels a bit like this past weekend. A walk in the early winter snowfall. Enjoy! (Page 32)
#mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #walkinearlywinter #johnmuro #poetry #poetrycommunity
#mockingowlroost #specialpoetryissue #walkinearlywinter #johnmuro #poetry #poetrycommunity