Hey masto's want to know more about the new #SpecialProsecuter for all things T#%mp? Check out my new favorite podcast hosted by #AndyMcCabe from the former guys justice dept AND the fabulous #AllisonGill from #MeulllerSheWrote, #DailyBeans and #CleanupOnAisle45 podcasts
Available everywhere and just dropped the 1st episode.
Real news and sometimes there's swearing but hey...the news is really fuckedup right now!
#specialprosecuter #andymccabe #allisongill #meulllershewrote #dailybeans #cleanuponaisle45 #youDontKnowJack
#JackSmith, #specialProsecuter assigned to #Investigatetrump. Smith has been recalled from the Hague where he had been prosecuting war criminals. God Speed Mr Smith! Take down this piece of humann garbage poisoning the USA!!
#jacksmith #specialprosecuter #investigatetrump
@bonadea1978 -
I think it is just a delay tactic for Garland to run the clock out. He should be indicting right now, not six months to a year from now. And in six months there will be a new delay.
#garland #specialprosecuter #runouttheclock