Diritto all’acqua e ruolo dei popoli indigeni: i grandi assenti alla Conferenza Onu https://altreconomia.it/diritto-allacqua-e-ruolo-dei-popoli-indigeni-i-grandi-assenti-alla-conferenza-onu/ #popolazioniindigene #PedroArrojo-Agudo #specialrapporteur #dirittoall'acqua #movimentisociali #waterdefender #NazioniUnite #Attualità #acqua #ONU
#popolazioniindigene #PedroArrojo #specialrapporteur #dirittoall #movimentisociali #waterdefender #NazioniUnite #attualita #acqua #onu
Un altro anno orribile per i diritti umani in Palestina. Perché è necessario parlarne https://altreconomia.it/un-altro-anno-orribile-per-i-diritti-umani-in-palestina-perche-e-necessario-parlarne/ #francescaalbanese #specialrapporteur #territorioccupati #ShireenAbuAkleh #Cisgiordania #JanaZakarneh #palestina #Opinioni #diritti #israele #jenin #ONU #UN
#un #onu #jenin #israele #diritti #opinioni #palestina #janazakarneh #cisgiordania #ShireenAbuAkleh #territorioccupati #specialrapporteur #francescaalbanese
The new UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Margaret Satterthwaite, has opened a new Tw account focused on her work as UN SR. She also invites people to subscribe to her email newsletter: http://bit.ly/3VkB7iJ #UN #SpecialRapporteur #JudicialIndependence #IndependenceOfLawyers
#un #specialrapporteur #judicialindependence #independenceoflawyers
Keep track of the work of #UN #SpecialRapporteur on human rights in #Myanmar Tom Andrews at: https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures/sr-myanmar. He is currently in Seoul meeting with "representatives of national & local Governments, UN officials, foreign policy experts, civil society organisations, members of the Myanmar diaspora & representatives of companies that have invested or have ongoing interest in Myanmar." Press conference 11h00 local time, 21 Nov 2022, Korea Press Center, Seoul. | #OHCHR https://www.ohchr.org/en/media-advisories/2022/11/un-myanmar-expert-visit-republic-korea
#un #specialrapporteur #myanmar #ohchr
Keep track of the work of #UN #SpecialRapporteur on human rights in #Myanmar Tom Andrews at: https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures/sr-myanmar. He is currently in Seoul meeting with "representatives of national & local Governments, UN officials, foreign policy experts, civil society organisations, members of the Myanmar diaspora & representatives of companies that have invested or have ongoing interest in Myanmar." Press conference 11h00 local time, 21 Nov 2022, Korea Press Center, Seoul. | #OHCHR https://www.ohchr.org/en/media-advisories/2022/11/un-myanmar-expert-visit-republic-korea
#un #specialrapporteur #myanmar #ohchr
Francesca Albanese: il mio impegno per i diritti in Palestina https://altreconomia.it/francesca-albanese-il-mio-impegno-per-i-diritti-in-palestina/ #cortepenaleinternazionale #giurisdizioneuniversale #francescaalbanese #specialrapporteur #territorioccupati #Cisgiordania #NazioniUnite #Intervista #apartheid #palestina #israele #gaza #bds #ONU #UN
#un #onu #BDS #Gaza #israele #palestina #apartheid #intervista #NazioniUnite #cisgiordania #territorioccupati #specialrapporteur #francescaalbanese #giurisdizioneuniversale #cortepenaleinternazionale