An internal government document reveals how B.C., citing ‘significant impacts’ on forest sector jobs and provincial revenue, aims to prevent Ottawa from stepping in to save a species on the cusp of #Canadian #extinction
#EmergencyOrder #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #CorporateGreed #SpeciesAtRisk #WildlifeAtRisk #ecology #WildFirst #ProtectTheWild #StopEcocide #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #SpottedOwl #MassExtinction #birders #InternalDocuments
#canadian #extinction #emergencyorder #bcndp #newdeathparty #corporategreed #speciesatrisk #wildlifeatrisk #ecology #wildfirst #protectthewild #stopecocide #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #spottedowl #massextinction #birders #internaldocuments
Funds raised at 2023’s #GlobalBirdfair will be used to support the Aves y #Conservación component of the strategy, centred around protecting the recently rediscovered population of Black-breasted Puffleg. Following its surveys, the organisation bought 105ha of these remote cloudforests, establishing the #KintiToisán reserve. The reserve is a combination of intact & degraded forest, with areas of a former cattle pasture.
#globalbirdfair #conservacion #kintitoisan #ecuador #chocoandes #nature #birds #speciesatrisk
Tweten is of #Cree ancestry and now lives on #PEI working on the PEI #ForestedLandscape Priority Place project as a #Mikmaw engagement co-ordinator.
The project #protects #SpeciesAtRisk & their #habitats & while it's hard to know how many #BlackAsh #trees are left on the Island, Tweten said 450 is a good guess.
#IndigenousLed #FirstNations #rewilding #NativeTrees #Canada #NativeNatureProject #environmental #biodiversity #ecosystems #Nature #Maritimes #NativeKnowledge
#cree #pei #forestedlandscape #mikmaw #protects #speciesatrisk #habitats #blackash #trees #indigenousled #firstnations #rewilding #nativetrees #canada #nativenatureproject #environmental #biodiversity #ecosystems #nature #Maritimes #nativeknowledge
A beautiful Monarch #butterfly sips at the flowers of a milkweed plant...its only source of food. Did you know Monarch butterflies are on the list of endangered species? #nature #monarchbutterfly #conservation #speciesatrisk
#butterfly #nature #MonarchButterfly #conservation #speciesatrisk
"Humans have evolved into a predator without equal. We overtake and destroy habitats with abandon, driving other species into extinction" .
#Biodiversity #SpeciesAtRisk #COP15 #COP27
#anthropocene #sixthextinction #biodiversity #speciesatrisk #cop15 #cop27
Looking out for Canadian biodiversity: Latest press release from COSEWIC #biodiversity #SpeciesAtRisk
With only 8 known localities, Osmia conjunctoides Robertson is a rare species; in the last 30 years it has only been found at one locality in FL (in 2001), prior to that the most recent record was from 1983. Thus this specimen, collected in 1988 likely represents the second most recent collection event for this species, and the location (Archbold Biological Station, Highlands Co., Florida) would be a new locality. #RareBees #MasonBees #BeesOfMastodon #bees #speciesatrisk
#rarebees #masonbees #beesofmastodon #bees #speciesatrisk