Anyone know what species this marine / intertidal creepy crawly might be? Spotted at Albert Head Lagoon in Victoria, BC. Disturbingly large. My incomplete searches for info indicate likely venomous, as well, but unsure how much to humans. Glad I stopped my son from poking at it ... #centipede #marineBiology #marine #speciesIdentification #entomology
#centipede #marinebiology #marine #speciesidentification #entomology
Hello #marinebiology people on the fediverse! Can anyone confirm this is a Porpita Porpita? Just spotted a lot of those in the sea and managed to isolate one. Is it too dangerous? #speciesidentification #science #marine #biology
#marinebiology #speciesidentification #science #marine #biology
This #owl rendering shows long ear tufts, but is it a Long-eared owl, Great-horned owl, or Stygian owl? Maybe something else? What do you think? #Strigiformes #SpeciesIdentification
#owl #strigiformes #speciesidentification
Hallo Mastodon, ich bin #neuhier und interessiere mich für #Naturschutz, #Klimagerechtigeit und Politik. Ich möchte mehr lernen über #Insekten, #Artenkenntnis und darüber, wie wir mit dem Klimawandel umgehen und freue mich, wenn wir dazu ins Gespräch kommen!
Hello Mastodon! I am interested in #natureconservation, #climatejustice and politics. I try to learn more about #insects, #speciesidentification and how to deal with climate change and would be happy to talk with you about it.
#neuhier #naturschutz #Klimagerechtigeit #insekten #artenkenntnis #natureconservation #ClimateJustice #insects #speciesidentification