For all there sins and greedy culture #amazon is actually doing something quite nice and reseeding land around their wearhouses to combat #climatechange and #speciesloss
Pleasantly surprised by this.
#speciesloss #climatechange #amazon
It's time for all of us to prioritize helping other species to reproduce rather than our own. Stop having kids. Instead, foster butterflies, ants, wasps, mice, fungi, trees, and any native species that can keep your local ecosystem alive. Do some research obviously and get together with the family you already have. Do it together. #ecosystem #renewal #habitat #speciesloss #extinction
#ecosystem #renewal #habitat #speciesloss #extinction
"Look up, listen, and be very concerned. #Birds are vanishing – and their crisis is our crisis - More than 40,000,000 birds have disappeared from UK’s skies since 1970: a trend that imperils the network that gives us life"
The #UK has lost 40,000,000 birds since 1970 and #Europe as a whole has lost 600,000,000 birds since 1980. The British figures, especially for farmland species such as skylark and lapwing, have long been the worst of any country in the region. The North American continent, meanwhile, but especially the #US, has seen #avian populations fall by almost a third since 1970, losing a cumulative 3,000,000,000 birds."
#UK #UKWildlife #Birding #Species #SpeciesLoss #Extinction #SpeciesExtinction #Wildlife #WildBirds #US #USWildlife #NorthAmerica
#birds #uk #europe #us #avian #ukwildlife #birding #species #speciesloss #extinction #speciesextinction #wildlife #wildbirds #uswildlife #northamerica
A gradual #decline in #biodiversity may have led to a more devastating #ecosystem #collapse during the #PermianTriassic #MassExtinction , according to #NewResearch .
#Scientists #recreated #ancient #FoodWebs to determine how #species were #impacted during this event. But how well can our knowledge of past #extinction events #inform us about the #CurrentCrisis of #SpeciesLoss ?
#Science #paleontology #Studies #ClimateCrisis #ScientificResearch #OneEarth #ecological
#decline #biodiversity #ecosystem #collapse #permiantriassic #massextinction #newresearch #scientists #recreated #ancient #foodwebs #species #impacted #extinction #inform #currentcrisis #speciesloss #science #paleontology #studies #climatecrisis #scientificresearch #OneEarth #ecological
And here is a Guardian article with more info, including the fact that the BBC cancelled the airing of an episode of a David Attenborough wildlife programme which talks about habitat and species loss (it’ll now only be available on iPlayer).
#Fascism #CultureWars #speciesLoss #habitatLoss #wildlife #football
#fascism #culturewars #speciesloss #habitatloss #wildlife #football
'It looks as if the damage has already been done.'
Unfortunate and sad news, for the reasons made clear in the article (habitats and species loss, impacts on local communities, etc), but not surprising.
#speciesloss #trees #forests #madagascar
To all my friends and colleagues in #Australia, a very #HappyNewYear to you.
Here's to a year filled with #kindness, #climateaction, remediation of our #environment, reversal of #SpeciesLoss and effective measures to eliminate #poverty, promote #Inclusion and #EmpowerWomen.
In short improving our societies to deliver #Earth4All!
These aren't pipe dreams... as my colleagues at Pottinger are showing, they are great opportunities for investment too!
#australia #happynewyear #kindness #climateaction #environment #speciesloss #poverty #inclusion #empowerwomen #Earth4All
Each year over the past decade, on average 9 people are killed by sharks. But how many sharks do humans kill every year?
#BiodiversityCrisis #SpeciesLoss #FishingIndustry
#biodiversitycrisis #speciesloss #fishingindustry
I learned a new word today:
The destruction or loss of animal life in a region or habitat.
What's funny is that when I say that new word in my head, it reminds me of a different word, defecation.
And that's appropriate because this is exactly what humans have been doing to the ecosystem at an ever increasing pace — shitting all over it.
God said, "Man shall have dominion over the Earth and wreck it completely."
#SpeciesLoss #biodiversity
"Humans Have Altered 97 Percent of Earth’s Land Through Habitat and Species Loss"
A study published in the journal Frontiers in Forests and Global Change presents evidence that only about 3 percent of Earth’s land ecosystems remain untouched by human activity.
“Conservation of intact ecosystems is critical for the maintenance of biodiversity on Earth, and in turn for the services that these ecosystems provide to humans,” says Smithsonian Environmental Research Center ecologist Kimberly Komatsu.
To measure functional intactness of the ecosystems, the researchers analyzed the populations of about a dozen large mammals that play important roles on their home turf. When changes to their populations were factored into the analysis, the results showed that just 2.8 percent of land ecosystems remain intact.
This result “was much lower than we were expecting,” says University of Cambridge conservation biologist Andrew Plumptre to Science News. “Going in, I’d guessed that it would be 8 to 10 percent. It just shows how huge an impact we’ve had.”
Hey — you ever think maybe we should have just stayed in Africa and left the rest of the world alone?
#Canada unveils new #climate #adaptation #strategy with more than $1-billion #commitment | CBC News
Canada's first #climateAdaptation strategy, unveiled today, commits the federal #government to new #targets for preventing extreme #heat deaths, reversing #speciesLoss and protecting #homes in #flood- and #wildfire-prone areas.
#canada #climate #adaptation #strategy #commitment #climateadaptation #government #targets #heat #speciesloss #homes #flood #wildfire
"How Nature Is Becoming A Simulation"
At this moment there are more listings for ‘lion’ products on Amazon (over 70,000) than there are lions in the wild (≈20,000).
The range of Amazon Prime vans only increases, while the range of lions only decreases. These facts are not unrelated.
Capitalism has a relentless appetite for land and resources, and as long is it grows, the range of lions and all other creatures will inevitably decline.
#speciesloss #biodiversity #anticapitalism
The clear cutting of the few remaining old growth forests must be stopped immediately. These areas are the last few remaining habitats for species that are in danger of extinction. #extinctionrebellion #clearcutting #forest #speciesloss
#extinctionrebellion #clearcutting #forest #speciesloss #juststopoil