🇳🇱 Goedemorgen en een fijne dag gewenst. Voor wie het nodig heeft: beterschap, voor wie jarig is: gefeliciteerd. #BontZandoogje #InHetPark
🇩🇪 Guten Morgen und ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag. Für diejenigen die es brauchen: Gute Besserung und falls man Geburtstag hat: Alles gute zum Geburtstag. #Waldbrettspiel
🇬🇧 Good morning and I wish you a nice day. For those who need it: get well soon and when you're having your birthday, happy birthday. #SpeckledWood
#speckledwood #Waldbrettspiel #inhetpark #bontzandoogje
The #BigButterflyCount may have finished yesterday but no-one told the butterflies; #HollyBlue, #SpeckledWood, #Gatekeeper and many #LargeWhites today. And then this afternoon I narrowly avoided standing on two magnificent #ElephantHawkMoth caterpillars. (Now relocated to a new safer patch of willowherb where I promptly found a 3rd even larger #caterpillar and, I think, a caterpillar poo!)
#bigbutterflycount #hollyblue #speckledwood #gatekeeper #largewhites #elephanthawkmoth #caterpillar
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #BontZandoogje #InHetPark #Insectenzaterdag
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Waldbrettspiel #InsektenSamstag
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #SpeckledWood
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #OkáčPýrový
#ParargeAegeria #okacpyrovy #speckledwood #insektensamstag #Waldbrettspiel #insectenzaterdag #inhetpark #bontzandoogje
Halfway through people, hold on!
Here's a butterfly (Speckled Wood). A bit of standard macro shot, but it worked out really well in a technical way with lots of pretty bokeh.
#Photography #Macro #Butterfly #MicroNikkor #Nature #ParargeAegeria #SpeckledWood
#speckledwood #ParargeAegeria #nature #micronikkor #butterfly #macro #photography
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #BontZandoogje #InHetPark
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Waldbrettspiel
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #SpeckledWood
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #OkáčPýrový
#ParargeAegeria #okacpyrovy #speckledwood #Waldbrettspiel #inhetpark #bontzandoogje
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #BontZandoogje
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Waldbrettspiel
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #SpeckledWood
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #OkáčPýrový
#ParargeAegeria #okacpyrovy #speckledwood #Waldbrettspiel #bontzandoogje
A nice #Butterfly from the early days of August. I think its a #SpeckledWood #Speckled_Wood butterfly. The underside has a pretty pattern and eye.
It has a nice beauty. I think everyone wants to see the top side f butterflies but the underside can be just as interesting.
#butterfly #speckledwood #speckled_wood