PCBs, SD cards! Someday I will get my 3-year-late toy computer!
#zxspectrum #specnext
Been a long few days on this #SpecNext game, but most of that was reworking the player movement to use scaled integers.
Still need to do some tuning on the deceleration, and fix the handling for the player's bullets.
More continued #SpecNext NextBASIC fun.
Got bullets in, Hyperspace in (which I didn't demo, oops), and an enemy.
Downside is I've run into the performance limits on NextBASIC, so I need to redo the movement code to use fixed point maths (with low/high values) instead of floating point.
7fff kindly made fixes to NextSync so it works on the latest distro, as well as fixing some old bugs. If you use NextSync, update now.
#nextsync #specnext #zxspectrum
That's incredible! Bubble Universe graphics demo on #specnext in just 16 lines of #basic
Need to see this ported to the #Archimedes or #PiTubeDirect on a #BBCMicro
#specnext #basic #archimedes #pitubedirect #bbcmicro #retrocomputing
From the #SpecNext kickstarter update while we wait a year, Elite Next!
2020-09-10: SpecNext is funded:
2 years later, waiting another year:
It's possible to write a short AUTOEXEC.BAS for the Spectrum Next which will boot it into the BBC Micro core. Sounds like a good idea!
Here's a draft from a couple of years ago - it would need an update, but you get the idea:
10 INPUT "Hit return for Beeb or Escape for Spectrum Next", dummy
20 LOAD "machines/beeb/os120.rom" BANK 32
30 LOAD "machines/beeb/basic2.rom" BANK 33
40 REG 16,255
#basic #specnext #retrocomputing #bbcmicro #beebfpga
The Spectrum Next is a "not only, but also" machine. Shiny case, like the 80s, plug into your telly, off you go, very compatible Speccy experience, with SD cards not microdrives(!)
+ accurately emulates Russian and Brazilian extensions from BITD.
+ loads of RAM
+ double or quad speed.
+ graphics and CPU extensions, a new platform with games and demos to match.
+ supports alternate cores: #PCW #bbcmicro ...
#pcw #bbcmicro #specnext #retrocomputing #zxspectrum
@TrechNex @craigmaloney @popey I bought KS2 of the SpecNext, still waiting for it tho. Summer *this* year maybe?
It's a fantastic device, just a better '90s Spectrum, not a 2020s machine.
Got a couple games in design/early prototype on emulator but I'm stuck waiting.
Also, #SpecNext update!
In which we might see assembly start next month, and the file browser can sort by filenames.
I just want it by Xmas at this point.
> Worse, we鈥檝e seen rogue parts leaking into trusted sources, rendering some of our prototypes non-functional. We got a batch of boards with 40% of them not taking the firmware because of defective (likely fake) flash memory chips, something we鈥檝e never seen before from our existing partners in Europe.
#specnext #retrocomputing
SpecNext update hype!
The wait wouldn't seem so long if it hadn't come in this last endless millennium of 2020/1.
@ajroach42 @craigmaloney @djsundog @vertigo But my current new-hardware interest is the Spectrum Next, I got in the 2nd kickstarter and just waiting now. It's very very similar level of hardware and hackability.
Update on the only computer I care about:
The hard dust cover is excessive, I'd prefer a soft vinyl or leather cover like Tandy, etc. sold.
#specnext #zxspectrum #retrocomputing
#specnext #zxspectrum #retrocomputing
In other computers you need news, you can get a SpecNext for a brief time:
#zxspectrum #specnext #retrocomputing
#zxspectrum #specnext #retrocomputing
Metal Jesus covers the SpecNext: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9hEaqb6e44
And remember you have 12 hours left to get one of your own:
It's gonna be a long year waiting for mine!