I am surprised to find myself interested in #Daggerheart
It appears to have a tactile style similar to #spectaculars
#rotfl #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TimeWatch #beyondthewall #bladerunner #BrindlewoodBay #callofcthulhu #Coriolis #cyphersystem #deltagreen #die #gumshoe #heart #fallofdeltagreen #grizzledadventurers #ironsworn #laundry #liminal #mothership #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #ose #Pendragon #RedMarkets #riversoflondon #shadowdark #sin #spectaculars #starforged #throughsunkenlands #trailofcthulhu #triangleagency #troika #Trophy #weirdindiestuff #YellowKing
New episode day! The second half of our actual play of the superhero RPG #Spectaculars is out today, featuring @shanajeanh and @seananmcguire!
Find us in podcast apps, or visit https://teamupmoves.com
We have started a new run and it’s so dang good pals! We’re playing a one-shot of #Spectaculars, the superhero TTRPG from Scratchpad Publishing.
Not only does this feature the the return of @shanajeanh, we have a very special guest: the amazing author @seananmcguire!
Inspired by Starjammers, we’re taking superheroes to space. Hear our unlikely team investigate an infested spaceship that’s on a collision course with Earth.
Find us in your podcast places or at https://teamupmoves.com.
@spezbaby I'm super excited about #dnd4e and #dnd35 and #Spectaculars and #StarsWithoutNumber and #StarWars Saga Edition and #Pathfinder2 and #Angel Rpg and #CallOfCthulhu and ...
Maybe you can see my problem?
#dnd4e #dnd35 #spectaculars #starswithoutnumber #starwars #pathfinder2 #angel #callofcthulhu
I’m prepping #Spectaculars for our next @teamupmoves recording. I usually don’t do published adventures for the show but the series books that they provide are a perfect amount of bare-bone structure paired with a lot of customization options.
It’s less “here’s a story to run your players through” and more “you should tell this sort of story now… let me help you do it!”
I may have my Spin-Off answer already picked out.
Sheet of superhero templates for #Dragonmeet: done
With added #Spectaculars logo
AND acts as an x-card too!
Now to print on thin card and steal plastic standee bases from WFRP3 stash
Absolutely frazzling day at work... but I did find an old Champions PDF, complete with the colour-your-own-superhero templates.
Perfect for #Spectaculars at #Dragonmeet #TTRPG
#spectaculars #Dragonmeet #ttrpg
We started playing #Spectaculars again, after we finished all official content a year or so ago. Brand new setting, some new players, and despite having played it all before, it's still a ton of fun. All the elements are so very different than the last time, yet there are hints of the previous setting (in a multiverse kind of thing).
#spectaculars #comicbook #superheroes #ttrpg
#Dragonmeet #spectaculars prep:
1. Reread the rules
2. Print quick reference cards for players
3. Locate and Print some of those funky superhero templates that original #Champions had, so people can do sketches of their new superheroes
4. Remember it's 9am start not 10am
#Dragonmeet #spectaculars #champions
My most memorable #ttrpg characters I’ve
played (from the start):
#BasicD&D - Laire ‘The Slayer’: Fighter
#AD&D - Gwynn Longleaf: Half Elf MU/Thief; Bjorn Ironsides: Dwarf Assassin (with a natty hat)
#StarWarsRPG - Deepo Kets (basically Han Solo)
#DnD5e - Bolto Barrelhouse: Halfling Monk (name shamelessly nicked from AD&D DMG)
#Spectaculars - Silverhammer: Speedster (with the world’s least accurate disintegration ray)
… makes me realise I have really DM’d way too much! Far too few memorable PCs…
#ttrpg #basicd #ad #StarWarsRPG #dnd5e #spectaculars
Looks like we have a new largest game in our collection. Spectaculars, from Scratchpad Publishing, is an absolute unit. Core D&D manuals shown for scale.
Last night, I got my #Spectaculars box out.
I checked the various cards were all there and which pages of the Setting Book I need to print.
And... that's my #Dragonmeet prep done.
Damn, after running #Rolemaster and #PF2, I *love* low-prep games 😍😄
#spectaculars #Dragonmeet #rolemaster #PF2
I've decided.
With #Spectaculars @ Dragonmeet, #PF2 Kingmaker mid-2023, I've only got a short window for online gaming.
So if it's anything, it's #TorgEternity. Can adapt what I did for oTorg on #Roll20, I've the pdfs and some nice short scenarios.
Any takers?
#spectaculars #PF2 #torgeternity #roll20
@FrontierMaps As a GM, my players are my muses. They're amazing.
They've followed me into #FitD, #PbtA, #Cortex, #Spectaculars, #Vaesen, anything I want to run - they show up.
My desire to run traditional #DnD is near zero. But when my incredible players ask to play D&D because they want to know what rolling a 20 feels like...
I still said no. But I'm running #13thAge because I love them.
#fitd #pbta #cortex #spectaculars #Vaesen #DnD #13thage
#introduction post:
I'm John he/him and I am pretty sure I was friends with a lot of you in #ttrpgs circles back on G+.
I play ttrprgs and #boardgames in Seattle and online. My current jams are #johncarterofmars #warhammerfrp #tachyonsquadron #spectaculars and #pendragon
Been in the hobby since 1978 and love noodling around with #minimalrpgs - currently obsessed with 2400 and related series of games. https://jasontocci.itch.io/2400
#introduction #ttrpgs #boardgames #johncarterofmars #warhammerfrp #tachyonsquadron #spectaculars #Pendragon #minimalrpgs
To help make connections name…
Last 5 #ttrpgs / #boardgames you played
Next 5 you really want to play!
Then, boost this post so others know to do the same!
_Last Five_
_Next Five_
#introduction #ttrpgs #boardgames #liminal #startrekadventures #LordsOfWaterdeep #Vaesen #TheYellowKing #NeverGoingHome #spectaculars #OutoftheAshes #mothership #SwordsoftheSerpentine
#barbariansoflemuria #lancer
#Unmatched #Nemesis #warhammerfrp #spectaculars #tachyonsquadron #johncarterofmars #alien #BarbariansofLemuria #lancer