Dark Skies and Bright Pixels: Taking photometric and spectroscopic measurements at Starfest 2023 https://hotpoprobot.com/2023/08/22/dark-skies-and-bright-pixels-taking-photometric-and-spectroscopic-measurements-at-starfest-2023/ #spectroscopy #starfest2023 #photometry #astronomy #nyaa #stem
#spectroscopy #starfest2023 #photometry #astronomy #nyaa #stem
Now is time for the spectrum of a Wolf-Rayet type of star: WR-7 also catalogued as V1687 Cyg.
It is a WC, meaning that it is a star rich in carbon. We can actually "see" the carbon and helium inner layers, because the intense stellar winds and a pronounced unstable hydrostatic equilibrium have expelled its outer hydrogen layers to interstellar space. The broad emission lines are trademark of these types of stars.
#Astrodon #astronomy #spectra #spectroscopy #science #space #stars #variablestar
#Astrodon #astronomy #spectra #spectroscopy #science #space #stars #variablestar
NASA Goddard: A video explainer on spectroscopy (8 minutes)
#astronomy #physics #spectroscopy #space
Interested in free and open source software for spectroscopy? I just updated my site giving > 250 possibilities for all sorts of instrumentation. #FOSS #NMR #Spectroscopy #Rstats #Python https://chemospec.org/posts/2023-08-15-F4S-Update/F4S-Update.html
#foss #nmr #spectroscopy #rstats #python
Join us in Umeå for a #postdoc - we have TWO!!
1. #Marine and #aquatic #photophysiology. Deadline: 18 Aug 2023
2. #Biophysics & #photonics to reconstruct algal light dynamics. Deadline: 21 Sept 2023
More info: https://heidiburdett.wordpress.com/lab-opportunities/
#climatechange #climateresilience #sustainabledevelopment #marinebiology #physics #environmentalscience #postdocposition #postdocjobs #postdocs #phdgraduate #marinescience #marineconservation #phycology #algae #seaweed #multiphysics #modelling #spectroscopy
#postdoc #marine #aquatic #photophysiology #biophysics #photonics #climatechange #climateresilience #sustainabledevelopment #marinebiology #physics #EnvironmentalScience #postdocposition #postdocjobs #Postdocs #phdgraduate #marinescience #marineconservation #phycology #algae #seaweed #multiphysics #modelling #spectroscopy
#optoPlateReader (#oPR): An #OpenSource #Arduino-controlled #PlateReader that allows #automated #optogenetic stimulation & #spectroscopy in each well of a 96-well plate:
#DIYbio #biohacking #chemistry #lab #instruments #fluorescence #OD #LED #python #GUI
#GUI #Python #led #od #fluorescence #instruments #lab #chemistry #biohacking #diybio #spectroscopy #optogenetic #Automated #platereader #Arduino #OpenSource #OPR #optoplatereader
📯 New blog post: "
Wavelength selection with a genetic algorithm"
If you're interested in #spectroscopy, especially NIR or Raman, or #chemometrics, a suitable selection of wavelength bands is often needed to produce a good statistical model.
Genetic algorithms are optimisation procedures loosely inspired by the mechanism of evolution by natural selection.
In this point, I'm working through an example of variable selection with a genetic algorithm for regression.
#MachineLearning #GeneticAlgorithms
#spectroscopy #chemometrics #machinelearning #geneticalgorithms #nearinfrared
#OpenRaman: A low cost, high performance #OpenSource Raman #spectrometer:
#chemistry #DIYbio #lab #instruments #Raman #optics #imaging #spectroscopy
#spectroscopy #imaging #optics #Raman #instruments #lab #diybio #chemistry #spectrometer #OpenSource #openraman
Do you want to know how to perform Baseline Subtraction in @LabPlot, a FREE, open source and cross-platform Data Visualization and Analysis software accessible to everyone?
Watch the latest video tutorial:
Download @LabPlot here:
#BaselineCorrection #BaselineSubtraction #BaselineRemoval #NoiseRemoval #BackgroundCorrection #NoiseRemoval #Spectroscopy #arPLSAlgorithm #XRD #FTIR #RamanSpectrum #PeakAnalysis #LabPlot
#baselinesubtraction #labplot #peakanalysis #ramanspectrum #ftir #xrd #arplsalgorithm #spectroscopy #noiseremoval #backgroundcorrection #baselineremoval #baselinecorrection
Learn how to do baseline correction in LabPlot, KDE's data analysis and visualization software
#BaselineCorrection #BaselineRemoval #BackgroundCorrection #NoiseRemoval #Spectroscopy #arPLSAlgorithm #XRD #FTIR #RamanSpectrum #PeakAnalysis #LabPlot
#baselinecorrection #baselineremoval #backgroundcorrection #noiseremoval #spectroscopy #arplsalgorithm #xrd #ftir #ramanspectrum #peakanalysis #labplot
The Tyee: The Huge Threat Fibreglass Poses to Healthy Sea Life https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/07/24/Huge-Threat-Fibreglass-Healthy-Sea-Life/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #RoyalSocietyfortheProtectionofBirds #InternationalMaritimeOrganization #fibreglassenvironmentalimpacts #ChichesterHarbourConservancy #SaltashEnvironmentalAction #DeadBoatsDisposalSociety #microplasticpollution #UniversityofOldenburg #ChichesterHarbour #fibreglassboats #hullmaintenance #CorinaCiocan #spectroscopy #Aqass
#BCNews #TheTyee #royalsocietyfortheprotectionofbirds #internationalmaritimeorganization #fibreglassenvironmentalimpacts #chichesterharbourconservancy #saltashenvironmentalaction #deadboatsdisposalsociety #microplasticpollution #universityofoldenburg #chichesterharbour #fibreglassboats #hullmaintenance #corinaciocan #spectroscopy #aqass
Sur la piste des exocomètes !
Un sujet passionnant que j'aborde ici :
#astronomy #spectroscopy #exocomets #astrophysics
#Conference #MSc #PhD #Postdoc #Science #Research #Nanomaterials #Optoelectronics #Spectroscopy #Physikzentrum
Looking forward seeing you on the Bad Honnef Physics School #ExcitingNano
#excitingnano #physikzentrum #spectroscopy #optoelectronics #nanomaterials #research #science #postdoc #phd #msc #conference
Was Benjamin Franklin the first to incorporate colored fiber into currency? - Enlarge / Khachatur Manukyan and colleagues at the University of Notre ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1954593 #ramanspectroscopy #benjaminfranklin #spectroscopy #xrfmapping #currency #science #history #physics
#physics #history #science #currency #xrfmapping #spectroscopy #benjaminfranklin #ramanspectroscopy
Ars Technica: Was Benjamin Franklin the first to incorporate colored fiber into currency? https://arstechnica.com/?p=1954593 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Ramanspectroscopy #BenjaminFranklin #spectroscopy #XRFmapping #currency #Science #History #Physics #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #ramanspectroscopy #benjaminfranklin #spectroscopy #xrfmapping #currency #science #history #physics
Fresh blog post on building your own photometer -- learn some electronics!
Le nouveau numéro de la revue gratuite "Étoiles doubles" est disponible. J'y publie un article intitulé "***Introduction à l’étude des étoiles doubles spectroscopiques***" c'est*** ***par ici : https://etoilesdoubles.org/
#spectroscopy #astrophysics #astronomy
#spectroscopy #astrophysics #astronomy
Study showcases elongated #bacterial #pili as a versatile alignment medium for #NMR #spectroscopy.
#bacterial #pili #NMR #spectroscopy
As a welcome of sorts to the new arrivals here on mastodon, here's a second #introduction
I'm a physicist and entrepreneur. I used to be a researcher in #quantum #optics, then #xray imaging and #synchrotron science.
I currently run my own technical consultancy business on sensors, x-ray imaging, #spectroscopy and #MachineLearning mostly applied to chemometrics and machine vision.
I blog at https://nirpyresearch.com/
I also founded a startup, Rubens Technologies, deploying field spectral sensors for fruit maturity assessment.
Still very interested in #physics research, I'm writing a book on Synchrotron Physics to be published by Oxford University Press.
We live in crazy times, and i would love to connect with other scientists to help each other maintain our sanity and try and change things for the better!
#introduction #quantum #optics #xray #synchrotron #spectroscopy #machinelearning #physics
Training a #chemometrics or #MachineLearning model involves dividing a dataset into at least two groups: a calibration subset and a validation subset. The calibration set is used to fit the model, while the validation set is used to check that the trained model works as intended on a set of unknown data.
The split into calibration and validation can be done randomly or according to some predefined criterion.
One of the first, non-random, criteria for the subdivisions is called the Kennard-Stone algorithm and it's explained in my blog using #spectroscopy data.
#chemometrics #machinelearning #spectroscopy