i went ahead and also made an #openSUSE post-install #spectrwm script.. ..i put a bunch of notes at the top in case i don't get around to making a blog post about it
i updated my #spectrwm config with keybindings to disable (and re-enable) dpms and xautolock to keep session awake (like #caffeine)
i made a #debian post-install #spectrwm script.. ..like my other scripts, the initial config is setup for using #HiDPI monitors (192 dpi settings)
A shorter post talking about my favorite color scheme for #ricing my #terminal and #windowmanager
Day 4 of my 2nd attempt at #100DaysToOffload
#ricing #terminal #windowmanager #100DaysToOffload #blog #blogging #css #spectrwm #alacritty
One of the best things about using a keyboard-driven window manager (#spectrwm on #OpenBSD in this case) is that you can quickly "lock" your computer by switching to an empty workspace.
Of the people I'm around, who's going to know how to launch a program or switch workspaces?
One of the best things about using a keyboard-driven window manager (#spectrwm in this case) is that you can "lock" your computer just by switching to an empty workspace. Who among my parents or coworkers is going to know how to launch a program or switch workspaces?
@thelinuxcast #voidlinux is more in the experienced / advanced linux user area. I just installed it last week on a laptop and it went well - just one issue with locking the screen when lid closes that I'm working on. 1+ weeks in, a very nice distro and I like it a lot! But more time is needed.
Base install + Xorg and #dusk / #dwm / #spectrwm (in their repo) /
#spectrwm #dwm #dusk #voidlinux
Das Experiment, es doch nochmal mit einem Tiling Windows Manager zu probieren hab ich nun vorzeitig wieder beendet. Der Showstopper war, dass #KeepassXC Autotype damit nicht funktioniert - getestet mit #i3 und #spectrwm.
Also erstmal wieder zurück zu #fluxbox
#fluxbox #spectrwm #i3 #keepassxc
> #screenshotsunday
> #netbsd
> #spectrwm
> same old shit
I hadn't heard of that WM – from reading a bit about it, it sounds pretty nice :)
#screenshotsunday #netbsd #spectrwm
> #screenshotsunday
> #netbsd
> #spectrwm
> same old shit
I hadn't heard of that WM – from reading a bit about it, it sounds pretty nice :)
#screenshotsunday #netbsd #spectrwm