Hi there! Bone Parade is open for submissions through October 15th! We only need one more story for the next issue. Please send us your weird and wonderful genre-bending stories! We're also kind of in the mood for a cozy existential crisis, if that exists?
#LitMag #MagicalRealism #GenreBending #Speculative #WeirdFiction #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #weirdfiction #speculative #genrebending #magicalrealism #litmag
..."had been interested in the ideas of #web3 - the moniker adopted by #decentralized apps that use #blockchain technology and #cryptocurrency - but found its culture "aggressive"...attributed to the focus on #money... #crypto "brought out all the worst people"...it simply uses the wrong approach, promising people #decentralization and independence but tethering them to #speculative #financial incentives"...⤵️ https://www.wired.com/story/the-cloud-is-a-prison-can-the-local-first-software-movement-set-us-free/
#web3 #decentralized #blockchain #cryptocurrency #money #crypto #decentralization #speculative #financial
Find out more about my writing here:
Sign up for my (very infrequent!) newsletter:
#speculative #mystery #Writephant #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon
#speculative #mystery #writephant #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon
#TBRChallenge – Tropetastic!: Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell https://victoriajanssen.com/2023/08/tbrchallenge-tropetastic-oceans-echo-by-everina-maxwell/
#speculative fiction #telepathy #spaceopera #romance
#tbrchallenge #speculative #telepathy #spaceopera #romance
#TBRChallenge – Tropetastic!: Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell https://victoriajanssen.com/2023/08/tbrchallenge-tropetastic-oceans-echo-by-everina-maxwell/
#speculative fiction #telepathy #spaceopera #romance
#romance #spaceopera #telepathy #speculative #tbrchallenge
Meltdown, Spectre, and now Zenbleed 👀
"Zen 2 is also used in the APUs that power the Steam Deck, Xbox Series S and X, and PS5" -XDA Developers
Zenbleed: Everything you need to know about this AMD security bug
AMD Zenbleed Exploit Lets Hackers Pry Sensitive Data From All Zen 2 CPUs, Fix Incoming
#Gaming #GameDev #SteamDeck, #Xbox #XboxSeriesS #XboxSeriesX #PS5 #CPU #AMD #Zen2 #Speculative #Prediction #Security #InfoSec
#gaming #gamedev #SteamDeck #xbox #XboxSeriesS #xboxseriesx #ps5 #cpu #amd #zen2 #speculative #prediction #security #infosec
Okay #Speculative fiction, #Scifi, and post-apocalyptic writers, we have to seriously step up our game if we are going to stay ahead of reality. 🙄
Here's a sample from a single page on The Guardian newspaper this morning. It's just a normal newspaper on a normal day: climate disaster tourism, cocaine sharks, killer ants, working people to death, desperate geoengineering, and micronations.
What is news today is boring tomorrow.
#SpeculativeFiction, #ScienceFiction #WritingCommunity #authors
#authors #writingcommunity #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #scifi #speculative
#speculative : given to speculation
- French: spéculatif
- German: spekulativ
- Italian: speculativo
- Portuguese: especulativo
- Spanish: especulativo
Report an incorrect translation @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
The word count in my WIP is a pleasing 80,080 at the moment. It will change as I continue to incorporate beta-reader feedback. The goal is still <80K
#writing #writersofmastodon #speculative #mystery
Do you want #queer #speculative fiction #books without, you know. Having to pay for them? And also be apprised of amazing new queer #SFF books and goings on?
If you join now you can get a free copy of my book, Cascade, and three others! Check it out.
#queer #speculative #books #sff
And here's the header image, https://www.deviantart.com/dracontes/art/Short-Faced-Tetanuran-Shaded-1-119985019 . Same fictional animal as the skull diagram on the previous post.
And yes, I'm aware it's over 10 years old and in need of some updating regarding reconstructive choices, but the whole Twitter fiasco caught me flat-footed in a number of ways.
#paleoart #dinosaur #theropod #speculative
Well, to start things off I would be linking to the avatar's original posting to see if links embed properly but it doesn't seem like that works. Oh well here it is, https://www.deviantart.com/dracontes/art/Short-faced-Tetanuran-Skull-62273934
#paleoart #dinosaur #theropod #speculative #skeletal
@datalinkdroid @GhostOnTheHalfShell @northernlights
Let me know when you have an #existence #proof for a #god worked out. Until then, #arguments from #authority based on that #deity are #speculative at best.
#existence #proof #god #arguments #authority #deity #speculative
My mom passed away this week. Can't fit my reactions into a post here, but I can share a link to a free download of the short story I dedicated to her several years ago.
#scifi #speculative #fiction #ebooks #free
Amber Beck’s “Cleaning Day” is about an exploding woman dealing with the aftermath of her affliction.
Kenneth Gulotta’s “Wandering Men” spotlights a cryptic interrogation with an unsettling end.
Sarah Jackson’s “The Haunted Tea Set” is rich with ghosts, Freecycle, and multiple levels of haunting.
If you like an author's story, we hope you'll let them know in the comments.
#LitMag, #Speculative, #MagicalRealism, #WeirdFiction, #FlashFiction, #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #flashfiction #weirdfiction #magicalrealism #speculative #litmag
2. A Window at the Edge of the World (c) 2023 R.F. Kenter #art #visualpoetry #imagebased #art #window #colors #spectrum #ClimateChange #climateemergency #speculative #focus #photography #scifi (or not)? #handmade #manipulation #climatediary #ocean #beach #america #NorthEast #westcoast #ArtistsOfMastodon #artist #poet #poetryart #Coast #postcovid
#art #VisualPoetry #imagebased #window #colors #spectrum #climatechange #climateemergency #speculative #focus #photography #scifi #handmade #manipulation #ClimateDiary #ocean #beach #america #northeast #westcoast #artistsofmastodon #artist #poet #poetryart #coast #PostCovid
I'm late to the appreciation party, but everyone who works with fiction writers should read Craft in the Real World by Matthew Salesses. There are so many big and important ideas in this book. It challenges our ideas of craft and illuminates how they're tied to culture and power. As an editor who works with magical realism and genre-bending fiction, digesting these ideas will help me better support writers.
#AmReading #AmEditing #MagicalRealism #Speculative #Fiction #Editor #CraftInTheRealWorld
#craftintherealworld #editor #fiction #speculative #magicalrealism #amediting #amreading
LitFest In The Dena is a literary festival in the Pasadena Area. Poet Laureate Wendy Van Camp is joined by speculative poets to read their original poetry. We are scheduled to appear in the Mountain View Mausoleum at 2pm.
Neil Citril
Denise Dumars
Jean-Paul L. Garnier
Leanne Kathleen Ingino
Poet Laureate Wendy Van Camp
#poetryreading #writersconnection #poetry #poetrycommunity #spokenword #writingcommunity #litfest2023 #litfestinthedena #sfpoetry #speculative #speculativepoetry
#poetryreading #writersconnection #poetry #poetrycommunity #spokenword #writingcommunity #litfest2023 #litfestinthedena #sfpoetry #speculative #speculativepoetry
New instance, new #intro time. #introduction
We're the Gaptangle, a #plural collective of large and fluctuating numbers. There are roughly 25 of us capable of fronting. The one you'll see the most right now is Ammonite. Others will, try to, remember to sign.
We're a not easily nameable flavor of anarchist, focused on loose networks of small independent communities and households. Different fronters' views won't be quite the same.
As much as we'd like to, we've never had the time to develop an extensive scientific background on our interests and theoretical background on our anarchism, plus reading gets more difficult as our mental stuff advances, but I am too determined to let it go yet. So just so you know, we're largely the hands in the dirt watch stuff happen and learn that way type.
We intend to do field recording in the future but didn't put it in the hashtags because we have no equipment, and I refuse to use it saying we do it when so far I've only recorded anything with my phone, since it's what I have right now. I have some pride OK lol
Some fast facts and qualities and miscellany:
#MadPride #PluralPunk
#disabled #DisabilityRights
#queer #trans
#playlist #playlists #miniplaylist #music
#poetry #scifi #fantasy #speculative #reading #amwriting
#gaming #audiogames #muds
#ostriches #ratites #birds of all kinds
#insects (and all those lovely creepy creatures you think are bugs)
#sound #acoustics #bioacoustics
#brains #perception
What is listening to you where you think no one is watching?
The question what would they say to you if they could let you know is too simple. Too simple by far. And somehow at the same time too complicated by far as well.
#intro #Introduction #plural #AuDHD #blind #madpride #pluralpunk #disabled #DisabilityRights #queer #trans #playlist #playlists #miniplaylist #Music #poetry #scifi #fantasy #speculative #reading #amwriting #gaming #audiogames #muds #ostriches #ratites #birds #insects #cetaceans #sound #acoustics #bioacoustics #brains #perception
With less than a week until the paperback and hardcover releases of "500," the excitement is real!
And that's not the only big news I'll be sharing next week. Stay tuned!
#scifi #sciencefiction #action #adventure #thriller #reading #readingcommunity #speculative #fiction
#scifi #sciencefiction #action #adventure #thriller #Reading #readingcommunity #speculative #fiction