For #FossilFriday, speculative Cenozoic #tyrannosaur art at #Patreon: a species adapted for grasslands (the "stilt tyrant") and high-latitude, cold environments ("tundra tyrant"). Fluffy as it is, please don't stroke the latter.
Hi-res and discussion at
#fossilfriday #tyrannosaur #patreon #dinosaurs #paleoart #paleontology #speczoo
@futurebird As speculative evolution people, I feel obligated to answer.
There's the old saying "write what you know". I know woefully little about arthropods, so nearly all of my #SpecZoo creations tend to be vertebrates of some sort. I've got nothing against ants.
There's also that ants already seem like a truly outrageous SpecEvo creation. Wingless stingless wasps that have about every kind of nest/society you can imagine, even forms of agriculture? It's hard to top that.
Since the old server kept my posts and images to itself, allow me to reintroduce myself to anyone still in need of introductions. I am a person who makes images. Images of dinosaurs and other extinct creatures, as well as organisms that have failed to evolve on Earth due to various circumstances.
#paleontology #paleoart #dinosaurs #SpecZoo #SpeculativeEvolution
#paleontology #paleoart #dinosaurs #speczoo #SpeculativeEvolution