Soon, the 'Gossip Booth' of A speech recognition online tool that filters 'secrets' by returning in-between-the-words expressions.
Laughter, pauses, uncertain expressions, breaths, sounds of discomfort and pleasure.
#pocketsphinx #speech_recognition #gossip #radioslumber #web_audio
Gossip in any language can be a fast, low-in-volume way of speaking, sounding like murmuring often including slang. This way of speaking happening between immigrants may sound blurry to the ears. Without the understanding of the words the speaking becomes a melody, a sound missing the logical meaning. This may be annoying for the outsiders but at the same time it is a familiar, joyful, shared and supportive space for the ones that had to leave their home. Even more for the ones that often don't have the public platforms to share their concerns and solve their problems, and they are not supported by the systems (legal, economic, cultural, political) they live in. The 'Gossip Gaps' embraces these discomforts in the ear of some listeners and the fast murmurings of despair and pleasure.
#web_audio #radioslumber #gossip #speech_recognition #pocketsphinx