Investigating better tools for the Stream Deck Shortcuts…
Been struggling to get #Speechify to work. The API page is vague at best. Not sure how to access it, etc.
On the other hand #ElevenLabs’s #API is pretty easy going! The pricing might be out of reach, but we’ll see! 👀
Gizmodo: Artifact's App Forces an AI Snoop Dogg to Read the News to You #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #gwynethpaltrow #dwightschrute #robbystein #snoopdogg #speechify #artifact #ai
#artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #gwynethpaltrow #dwightschrute #robbystein #snoopdogg #speechify #artifact #ai
Provo a leggere ebook in formato ePub con #Speechify (che trasforma in PDF prima di leggerli) tuttavia non mi piace la fluidità della lettura. Mi potete consigliare una app android migliore?
8 Lucrative jobs that Require Spoken English Proficiency
Since the latter half of the twentieth century, English has held the position of a worldwide lingua franca. It is extensively utilized in nearly every nation, and as the world becomes more interconnected, the demand for proficiency in the language continues to rise. Read for more -
#englishspeaking #onlineclasses #englishcourses #speechify
Cette semaine sur Oxytude, l'actu des nouvelles technologies et de l'#Accessibilité #A11Y #Android #Glucomate #iMessage #JusticeFR #LesYeuxDits #PrimeVideo #Samsung #Speechify #WhatsApp #Windows
#accessibilite #a11y #android #glucomate #imessage #justiceFr #lesyeuxdits #primevideo #samsung #speechify #whatsapp #windows
I wish #screenreaders worked with #Slack (Windows Desktop or Chrome) or Android. I am having vision issues & need to hear the channel chats. I have tried many different kinds, but they all either read
(1) everything from top to bottom and stop and refuse to pick up new messages in the channel when they are typed
(2) require you to select each chat window by hand
I have tested Windows Desktop Narrator, #Speechify & Android #TalkBack
TalkBack was horrific I could not navigate the Slack app
#screenreaders #slack #speechify #talkback
Saw a good post earlier by Brandon Sanderson re: not pushing his kickstarter books to audible, mostly because audible is kind of a dick.
( section titled "AUDIOBOOKS for NON-BACKERS")
I've been using for a while now instead of audible just to be half-assed anti-amazon. Most of their copy is about paying out local bookstores and has very little focus on authors, however!
Any other users know what payout is to authors on It may just be the usual store cut, then they take some off the top from what the store would get.
Also, anybody have experience with speechify as an audiobook platform? They don't appear to have many books.
#audible #audiobook #brandonsanderson #librofm #speechify
“Here’s where the gold star goes to #Speechify. … [The owner] said he’d be willing to do industry standard—70%—for any author who lists their books directly on Speechify a la carte. So I told him I wanted that deal, if he agreed to let me make the terms of our deal public.” #Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson is going to release his new audiobooks on Speechify to break the monopoly on Audible.
RT @Speechify_audio
The gift that keeps on giving the whole year.
Link for 50% off:
#speechify #texttosepech #audiobooks #booktok #bookgram #bookbook
#bookbook #bookgram #booktok #audiobooks #texttosepech #speechify
For anyone who has not heard of it, especially if you’re dyslexic like me, I recommend you look up an app called Speechify … namely because I am currently listening to the Snoop Dogg voice narrate Pride and Prejudice.
#booksodon #speechify #books #prideandprejudice #neurodivergent #snoopdogg
#booksodon #speechify #books #prideandprejudice #neurodivergent #snoopdogg
Just discovered that #snoopDog was added to #speechify and it was a great way to listen to #CognitiveScience Toward a Vichian Perspective.
#ai #theFeatureIDidntKnowINeeded #cognitivescience #speechify #snoopDog