I am optimistic that the pronunciation issues may be fixed in time for #iOS 17 and the other platforms, but we'll have to see. My report now says that a potential fix has been identified for a future OS update. #Speech #SpeechSynthesis #Mac #MacOS
#ios #speech #speechsynthesis #mac #macos
Ooh, I actually have a real XFS5152CE board in my hands now ...
Gizmodo: ElevenLabs' AI Voice Generator Can Now Fake Your Voice in 30 Languages https://gizmodo.com/ai-voice-generator-elevenlabs-fake-voices-30-languages-1850762057 #applicationsofartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #computergraphics #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #deeplearning #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #computergraphics #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #deeplearning #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
Ars Technica: Meta’s “massively multilingual” AI model translates up to 100 languages, speech or text https://arstechnica.com/?p=1962192 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #GoogleTranslate #machinelearning #speechsynthesis #text-to-speech #multimodalAI #translation #ChatGPT #chatgtp #whisper #Biz&IT #MetaAI #openai #GPT-4 #meta #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #googletranslate #machinelearning #speechsynthesis #text #multimodalai #translation #chatgpt #chatgtp #whisper #biz #MetaAI #openai #gpt #meta #ai
Gizmodo: ElevenLabs' AI Voice Generator Can Now Fake Your Voice in 30 Languages https://gizmodo.com/ai-voice-generator-elevenlabs-fake-voices-30-languages-1850762057 #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
#entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
Gizmodo: Meta Releases AI to Translate Dozens of Languages Using Speech and Text https://gizmodo.com/meta-releases-seamlessm4t-translation-ai-text-speech-1850761868 #applicationsofartificialintelligence #massivelymultilingualspeechsystem #computationallinguistics #massivelymultilingual #technologyinternet #machinetranslation #largelanguagemodel #speechrecognition #multilingualism #speechsynthesis #creativecommons #humaninterest #translation #pacoguzman #metaai #meta #paco
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #massivelymultilingualspeechsystem #computationallinguistics #massivelymultilingual #technologyinternet #machinetranslation #largelanguagemodel #speechrecognition #multilingualism #speechsynthesis #creativecommons #humaninterest #translation #pacoguzman #metaai #meta #paco
J'ai ajouté la gestion du fichier de phonèmes français au programme de synthèse vocale. Pour que ça fonctionne en utilisant peu de ressources ce n'est pas du vrai "text to speech", il faut écrire les mots phonétiquement, avec certains codes pour les sons qui ne correspondent pas à une touche du clavier (ou, euil, oi, en , ...).
Ici par exemple en entrée j'ai cette chaîne :
#retrocomputing #speechsynthesis
for the few that care: DECtalk now builds on 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS (Debian, armhf). It previously only ran on 64-bit OSs.
dectalk/dectalk: Modern builds for the 90s/00s DECtalk text-to-speech application. — https://github.com/dectalk/dectalk
#DECtalk #tts #TextToSpeech #SpeechSynthesis #RaspberryPi #aeiou
#dectalk #tts #texttospeech #speechsynthesis #raspberrypi #aeiou
Markedly less success with three TTS boards from AliExpress — https://scruss.com/blog/2023/07/13/markedly-less-success-with-three-tts-boards-from-aliexpress/
Okay, another TTS/speech synthesizer board from AliExpress evaluated:
Chinese-to-real-life Speech Synthesis Playing Module TTS Announcer SYN6658 of Bank Bus Broadcasting — https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005574674522.html
Looks identical to my SYN6988 board. Can drive it from the same #MicroPython or #CircuitPython modules. But it doesn't understand English text, which it spells out letter by letter.
That's a shame. Neat bank of sound effects, though
#microPython #circuitpython #tts #aliexpress #speechsynthesis #syn6658 #syn6988
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace, "read" by a SYN6988 TTS chip driven by MicroPython:
#tts #speechsynthesis #microPython
Just discovered the SYN6988's 'sound' commands, where it emits several chimes and beeps. This is a silly little chip
(signs off with 'soundy' sound, basically the attention chime in every railway station in every country but yours)
#tts #speechsynthesis #microPython
Some of my vintage soundchips
#chips #speechsynthesis #arcade #electronics #vintage #80s
Just dropped on the App Store: #RHVoice for #iOS. For now only #Macedonian and #Albanian languages are supported but it's worth bookmarking/installing this now to follow updates. Again, new linguistic communities have been included to the #Apple ecosystem with high-quality, free-of-charge voices. https://apps.apple.com/pl/app/rhvoice/id6444378148?l=pl #Accessibility #Blind #SpeechSynthesis #TextToSpeech #Languages
#RHVoice #ios #macedonian #albanian #apple #accessibility #blind #speechsynthesis #texttospeech #languages
Make Your ESP32 Talk Like It’s the 80s Again https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/make-your-esp32-talk-like-its-the-80s-again/ #Microcontrollers #speechsynthesis #phonemes #how-to #talkie #80's
#Microcontrollers #speechsynthesis #phonemes #how #talkie
Make Your ESP32 Talk Like It’s the 80s Again - 80s-era electronic speech certainly has a certain retro appeal to it, but it can s... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/make-your-esp32-talk-like-its-the-80s-again/ #microcontrollers #speechsynthesis #phonemes #how-to #talkie #80s
#80s #talkie #how #phonemes #speechsynthesis #microcontrollers
AI-Powered Speaker is a Chatbot you can Actually Chat with https://hackaday.com/2023/04/22/ai-powered-speaker-is-a-chatbot-you-can-actually-chat-with/ #ArtificialIntelligence #voicerecognition #speechsynthesis #raspberrypi #MiscHacks #ChatGPT #Teensy #ai
#ArtificialIntelligence #voicerecognition #speechsynthesis #RaspberryPi #MiscHacks #chatgpt #teensy #ai
AI-Powered Speaker is a Chatbot you can Actually Chat with - AI-powered chatbots are pretty cool, but most still require you to type your quest... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/22/ai-powered-speaker-is-a-chatbot-you-can-actually-chat-with/ #artificialintelligence #voicerecognition #speechsynthesis #raspberrypi #mischacks #chatgpt #teensy #ai
#ai #teensy #chatgpt #mischacks #raspberrypi #speechsynthesis #voicerecognition #artificialintelligence
OK, how to achieve vocal sounds like this? Some voice synthesis going on, that's for sure. Maybe someone who wasn't a booger eating lego inhaler in the 90s can tell?
The voice begins at 1:01.
#retro #synth #music #electronic #speechsynthesis #groove #askfedi
#retro #synth #music #electronic #speechsynthesis #groove #askfedi
OFAI's 2023 #AI Lecture Series continues with our own Michael Pucher, who presents "Synthesizing Dialects, Faces, Singing Voices, Songbirds, and Famous Dead Actors" on Wednesday, 1 March at 18:30 CET. Join us in Vienna or online: https://www.ofai.at/events/2023-03-01pucher #SpeechSynthesis