Meta launches an AI model / SeamlessM4T / which can transcribe and translate almost 100 languages.
#Meta #MetaAI #SeamlessM4T #SpeechToText #Translation #AIpoweredTranslation #UniversalSpeechTranslator #MultilingualTech #OpenSourceAI #SpeechRecognition #LanguageBarrierBreaker #AIinCommunication #MetaResearch #MachineTranslation #NextGenTranslation #AI
#meta #MetaAI #seamlessm4t #speechtotext #translation #aipoweredtranslation #universalspeechtranslator #multilingualtech #opensourceai #speechrecognition #languagebarrierbreaker #aiincommunication #metaresearch #machinetranslation #nextgentranslation #AI
Make Use Of: How to Stop Android’s Speech-to-Text From Blocking Swear Words #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #SamsungGalaxyTips #SamsungGalaxy #SpeechtoText #AndroidTips #Android #Gboard #Bixby
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #SamsungGalaxyTips #SamsungGalaxy #speechtotext #AndroidTips #android #gboard #Bixby
Make Use Of: How to Use Your Smartphone as a Windows Microphone #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #SpeechRecognition #WindowsTricks #SpeechtoText #Microphones #Windows10 #Windows11 #Windows
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #speechrecognition #WindowsTricks #speechtotext #microphones #windows10 #windows11 #windows
Make Use Of: 6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Dictation Software #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #SpeechtoText #OnlineTools #Internet
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #speechtotext #OnlineTools #internet
on the other hand though, it often also mishears "fedeverse" as "feta verse", So I guess it kind of evens out in the end...
sitting here in stunned terror after The iPhone's speech to text dictation misheard "screen reader" as "scream eater".
someone send help! Lol
#blind #speechtotext #screenreader
Quelqu'un a-t-iel déjà utilisé un outil speech-to-text opensource satisfaisant pour générer des sous-titres de vidéos ?
Frage hier mal stellvertretend für einen Menschen, der Probleme mit normaler Texteingabe über Tastatur hat: Gibt es für #Android was Brauchbares für Sprache-zu-Text-Verarbeitung bzw. -Eingabe, das frei oder zumindest datenschutzfreundlich ist? #SpeechToText
Are there any good apps that both do speech-to-text and translate at the same time? So if I, for example, would speak in language A it would both write it as text and as the same time in language B?
#speechtotext #translation #apps
Nachtrag nach diversen Tests:
Ich bekomme ausgesprochen gute Ergebnisse mit der Whisper-Implementierung in kdenlive. Je nach Dialekt oder Grad des Nuschelns 75-98% korrekt. 😅
Sogar mit Satzzeichen, wenig Nacharbeit nötig.
Also, falls jemand ein freies Tool sucht, das nicht in irgendeiner Cloud arbeitet:
(VOSK kann ich jetzt eher nicht so empfehlen.)
#speechtotext #transcription #openai #interview #foss #datenschutz #kdenlive #whisper
#whisper #kdenlive #datenschutz #foss #interview #openai #transcription #speechtotext
I rely on speech to text a lot, and I've discovered very much the hard way that it still has a ways to go in some cases.
Among the worst feelings, speaking of post and it mangoes words in such a way that what was an innocuous post becomes an insult to someone. That's actually happened more than once and I haven't always caught it soon enough.
Unfortunately Dragon is not available for macOS, and macOS/iOS speech to text actually decreased in usability, you could no longer process locally on your machine for example.
I'm just saying, as somebody who uses speech to text daily, it kind of blows still.
#a11y #accessibility #speechtotext
My wife is the master of dictating message using her watch, but even she gets the odd transcription error.
“A big stone fell off of one of your Karen’s”
📚 Today's question: Audible book £3.66, Kindle version £8.99, but poor narration feedback. Can I save money by buying Audible and using speech-to-text for a cheaper Kindle version? 🎧💬 #Audiobook #Kindle #Savings #SpeechToText
#audiobook #kindle #savings #speechtotext
Maybe I missed the memo, but when is all the fancy stuff from my #Android phone (like predictive and adaptive spelling, voice controls and commands, &c.) going to be available on my #Linux laptop? I've bemoaned the lack of a native #DrsgonNatutallySpraking right along.
#gnu #speechtotext #laotopparity
#android #linux #drsgonnatutallyspraking #gnu #speechtotext #laotopparity
Of course, this kind of #AI depends entirely on reliable #SpeechToText. Anyone using Zoom/Otter/Trint knows this is far from perfect.
In the #medical setting, it's important to get "mm-hm"s and "mm-mm"s correct, but research shows speech recognition engines often don't:
ChatGPT Powers a Different Kind of Logic Analyzer #MachineLearning #machinelearning #logicalfallacy #speechtotext #chatbot #ChatGPT #whisper #logic #SPP #ai
#MachineLearning #logicalfallacy #speechtotext #chatbot #chatgpt #whisper #logic #spp #ai