I love this. This week's Simpsons couch gag with two of my favorite hobbies: #speedCubes and yarn.
I deserve some kind of merit badge for getting this thing back together
It's a Christmas miracle!
I have been working on this thing for a week.
I have been working on this thing for a week.
I solved the ivy cube (upper right) and rhomboid last night. I'm about halfway through the purple ghost cube until I mess up and have to start over, which is likely. That one is theoretically like a standard cube except for masochists. I didn't even notice that I was still working on it until after midnight.
The tangram (lower right) will be the most difficult by far, I think.
I got myself a present because my new job starts next week
Cat toes for scale
Pleased with myself this morning. I finally figured out how to solve this skewb mod, including parities, without any tutorials.
Fred may or may not have helped.
#cats #speedcubes #twistypuzzles
Is there such a thing as too many twisty puzzles?
#rubiks #speedcubes #speedcubing