iOS 16.6.1 scores in Geekbench higher compared to iOS 16.6 for me:
Single-core: +4 points
Multi-core: +18 points
Metal: -2 points
iOS 17 Beta 8 scores in Geekbench higher compared to Beta 7 for me:
Single-core: +4 points
Multi-core: +9 points
Metal: -7 points
#speedtest #ios17devbeta7 #ios17devbeta8
I wished for a CLI internet #speedtest, and hey look, of course, it exists.
Alternatively, Netflix offers a Node-based CLI that uses their speedtest service.
iOS 17 Beta 7 scores in Geekbench about the same as Beta 6 for me:
Single-core: -2 points
Multi-core: +0 points
Metal: +8 points
#speedtest #ios17devbeta6 #ios17devbeta7
iOS 17 Beta 6 scores in Geekbench about the same as Beta 5 for me:
Single-core: -1 point
Multi-core: +0 points
Metal: -3 points
#speedtest #ios17devbeta5 #ios17devbeta6
Check out my @Speedtest result! How fast is your internet? #speedtest
One month in, #eir #gigabitfibre service is really good. (getting the installation was a right pita). #fastdotcom #speedtest
#eir #gigabitfibre #fastdotcom #speedtest
iOS 17 Beta 4 scores in Geekbench higher compared to Beta 3 for me:
Single-core: +0 points
Multi-core: +13 points
Metal: +9 points
#speedtest #ios17devbeta3 #ios17devbeta4
iOS 16.6 scores in Geekbench lower than iOS 16.5 for me:
Single-core: -8 points
Multi-core: -11 points
Metal: -4 points
This is consistent over multiple tests, but thankfully not noticeable under normal use.
iOS 16.6 RC scores in Geekbench about the same as Beta 5 for me:
Single-core: -2 points
Multi-core: -2 points
Metal: +0 points
#speedtest #ios166devbeta5 #ios166rc
iOS 16.6 Beta 5 scores in Geekbench a bit lower than Beta 4 for me:
Single-core: -1 points
Multi-core: -9 points
Metal: +1 points
#speedtest #ios166devbeta5 #ios166devbeta4
New screenshots from my Netapp appliance.
#raspberrypi #networking #speedtest
iOS 17 Beta 3 scores in Geekbench a bit lower compared to Beta 2 for me:
Single-core: -6 points
Multi-core: +1 points
Metal: -4 points
#speedtest #ios17devbeta2 #ios17devbeta3
What is your Internet speed health looking like? #InternetSpeed #SpeedTest
iOS 16.6 Beta 4 scores in Geekbench slightly higher than Beta 3 for me:
Single-core: +4 points
Multi-core: +4 points
Metal: +3 points
#speedtest #ios166devbeta4 #ios166devbeta3
iOS 17 Beta 2 scores in Geekbench higher compared to Beta 1 for me:
Single-core: +3 points
Multi-core: +5 points
Metal: -4 points
#speedtest #ios17devbeta1 #ios17devbeta2
Нічого собі! Я не уявляв, що мій #Apple #MacBookPro так вміє ;-)