New Things Again
Razor: #Karve Christopher Bradley Al, E plate
Blade: #BigBen Super Stainless
Lather: #ViaBarberia 3 Herbae
Aftershave: #Speick Men Active
Fragrance: #Creed Wind Flowers
In this episode of @Semaj3000 generosity, I'm using his Aluminium Karve Christopher Bradley open comb E plate and this new-to-me Via Barberia 3 Herbae
The Karve left a good first impression: the distinct blade feel makes finding the right angle very intuitive.
#karve #bigben #viabarberia #speick #creed #wetshaving #safetyrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Razor: #Dovo Bismarck 2
Brush: #Zenith r/Wetshaving exclusive #MoarBoar
Lather: #StirlingSoaoCo Varen
Aftershave: #Speick Men
Never noticed the the menthol in Speick until @mayana pointed it out.
The Dovo remains meh, Varen and the MOAR BOAR remain post-increment-worthy.
#wetshaving #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay #StraightRazor
#dovo #zenith #moarboar #stirlingsoaoco #speick #wetshaving #sotd #shaveoftheday #straightrazor