Schlucht, Wasserfall und Höhle bei Gorges de Pichoux.
#switzerland #jura #speleology #cave #nature #waterfall
Chiste del día
#speleo #speleology #espeleologia #chiste
#speleo #speleology #espeleologia #chiste
I'm a member of a caving club, the Kempsey Speleological Society. It has been active for over 60 years.
It held its AGM on Friday. And on Saturday, we went out to rediscover some 'lost' caves. We did!
#caves #Caving #speleology #environment #forest #hillwalking #australia
#caves #Caving #speleology #environment #forest #hillwalking #australia
Photo from a cave trip the other week (the one with the tire sidewall blowout), because I like water carved scalloped walls and weird hanging formations. Also...I may be quiet for a week, because I am packing for some cave biology in the Ozarks!
#caves #caving #cavebio #cavebiology #entomology #science #speleology
#caves #caving #cavebio #cavebiology #entomology #science #speleology
New review: Shining a light into this obscure realm, Cave Biodiversity is a scholarly yet readable overview of the biology of several notable groups of subterranean critters.
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #Caves #Karst #Biodiversity #Speleology #Scicomm @prosanta @HopkinsPress @bookstodon
#scicomm #speleology #biodiversity #karst #caves #bookstodon #bookreview #books
The Inquisitive Biologist is going deeper underground... review coming up next
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #Caves #Karst #Biodiversity #Speleology #Scicomm @prosanta @HopkinsPress
#scicomm #speleology #biodiversity #karst #caves #bookstodon #bookreview #books
Crawling in caves is sometimes worth it! Gorgeous bluegreen water, formations like columns and rimstone dams, and a skinny muddy ledge to observe it all safely from.
#rimstone #formations #cave #caves #caving #speleo #speleology #nature #cavephotography
#rimstone #formations #cave #caves #caving #speleo #speleology #nature #cavephotography
Footleg in a crawl full of straws and stals formed around roots from vegetation on the surface in this cave in Spain. This was a new cave he found while we were out looking for a completely different entrance.
@drfootleg thanks for posing :)
#matienzo #spain #cave #caves #cueva #caving #speleology #explore #nature
#matienzo #spain #cave #caves #cueva #caving #speleology #explore #nature
Footleg in a crawl full of straws and stals formed around roots from vegetation on the surface in this cave in Spain. This was a new cave he found while we were out looking for a completely different entrance.
#matienzo #spain #cave #caves #cueva #caving #speleology #explore #nature
#matienzo #spain #cave #caves #cueva #caving #speleology #explore #nature
:twitter: @ErtgrlErtugrul
"Erzurum İspir'de Elmalı Mağarası. Hem oluşum zenginliği hem de ekolojik çeşitliliği nedeniyle özel bir mağara.
Fotoğraflarda tavanda görülen oluşumlar, mağara bulutları. Çok sık rastlanılan oluşumlar değil. Su altındaki mağaralarda, kalsiyum karbonatın yine su ile sızıp çökelmesi bu oluşumları meydana getiriyor. Yüzyıllar sonra su mağaradan çekildiği zaman ise bu hoş görüntü ortaya çıkıyor."
#photograghy #spelunking #speleology #cave #Erzurum #turkey
We had time last week on NHM-London’s SEM! So we decided to look more closely at a cave pseudoscorpion we found as a part of our Matienzo Karst Entomology Project.
(Thanks to Tom for the photo - I couldn’t physically be there so we used the magic of the Internet that day!)
Thanks to the BNHM for supporting our work :)
#cave #caving #karstentomology #caveentomology #entomology #speleology #science #sem #nhm #bnhm #lab #microscopy #pseudoscorpion
#cave #caving #karstentomology #caveentomology #entomology #speleology #science #SEM #nhm #bnhm #lab #microscopy #Pseudoscorpion
Taking guesses on what this is now…hidden because it looks like a B movie nightmare.
Thanks to this Kempsey Speleological Society team who decided they wanted to spend Saturday bush bashing through lantana and two types of stinger tree in subtropical rainforest to help relocate the abandoned Carrai silver and copper mines (👍 success). There's also gold in these hills, never mined thanks to the impenetrable terrain.
#speleology #caves #mines #silver #copper #rainforest #Carrai #stingertree
#speleology #caves #mines #silver #copper #rainforest #carrai #stingertree
Me in my natural habitat ✌🏻
#speleology #naturephotography #nature #caving #cave
An archeologist underground in an old rimstone dam (gour pool for you brits) named “The Devils Bathtub”. I guess the devil lives in caves? Seems a bit chilly at about 54°f but okay…
#cave #caves #caving #speleology #rimstone #lore #legend #archeology
#cave #caves #caving #speleology #rimstone #lore #legend #archeology
Même les cavernes n'échappent pas au gigantisme aux #USA ! Ici, les Carlsbad Caverns NP, d'immenses grandes grottes pouvant abriter plusieurs terrains de foot, avec d'énormes stalagmites et stalactites. Il y a même un trou s'appelant le "trou sans fond" (bottomless pitt) ! 😄 D'ailleurs, elles n'ont toujours pas fini d'être explorées !
#NewMexico #Travel #Caverns #Grottes #Voyage #CarlsbadCaverns #speleology #speleologie
#usa #newmexico #travel #caverns #grottes #voyage #carlsbadcaverns #speleology #speleologie
Sistema Sac Aktun – longest underwater cave on planet Earth.
The systematic exploration of the underwater caves of Quintana Roo began in Tulum in the mid-1980s. Different teams of divers began to explore...
#karst #caves #yucatan #speleology
Hier zu sehen das Kokon einer Großen Höhlenspinne (Meta menardi) und die Spinnen Mama. Diese Höhlentiere leben im Eingangsbereich von Höhlen und Stollen.
#höhle #höhlen #höhlentier #speleologie #hohlenforschung #speleology #caving #cave #animal #Hönnetal #balve #hemer #menden #natur #Naturschutz
#hohle #hohlen #hohlentier #speleologie #hohlenforschung #speleology #caving #CAVE #animal #honnetal #Balve #Hemer #menden #natur #Naturschutz
Da tat sich plötzlich ein Loch auf und weg war das Wasser. Sowas passiert im Karst. Das Wasser löst den Kalk und bildet eine Höhle. Diese können so groß werden, dass sie teilweise einstürzen.
#höhle #karst #speleologie #speleology #caves #caving #Hönnetal #hemer #balve
#hohle #Karst #speleologie #speleology #caves #caving #honnetal #Hemer #Balve